Feline search picture: Which of the cats is different than the others?

Cat search picture
Which cat has a mind of its own here?

Cat search picture: Not everything is as equal here as it looks.

These cats look incredibly similar – but one of them wants to stand out from the rest of the group. Can you see which one it is?

How cute: 18 black cats are looking at us with curious, big eyes and look so similar that it’s practically impossible to tell them apart. Only one specimen has its own plans and doesn’t even think about doing the same as the rest. Can you spot them within 15 seconds?

Cat search image: Who is out of line here?

© sudowoodo / Adobe Stock

Because cats are sophisticated animals, this individualist proceeds very subtly – only one small detail is different from the others and to see that, you have to look very closely. Ready for this particularly fluffy hidden object challenge? You can see the resolution in the video!


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