Felipe VI: The King of Spain tested positive for Covid-19

Felipe VI, King of Spain, is forced into solitary confinement. The Royal House told AFP on Wednesday February 9 that he had tested positive for Covid-19 after presenting “mild symptoms” of the disease. The king thus suspends “his official activities” for a period of seven days: “The general state of health of His Majesty the King is good and he will continue his institutional activity from his residence“. Not exhibiting.”no symptoms“, his wife, Queen Letizia and their daughter Sofia, 14, can continue their activities while respecting “the protocol indicated in this type of situation“. The eldest of the couple, Princess Leonor, is not concerned because of her presence in the United Kingdom for her studies in a British high school.

The king’s planned appointments have all been canceled and the people met in the past few days, considered to be contact cases, will also have to monitor their state of health. AFP wanted to know if Felipe VI’s vaccination schedule was complete since his first dose received in May 2021. His request went unanswered. The contamination of the Sovereign comes just a few days before the lifting of the obligation to wear a mask outdoors in the country.

Covid-19 does not spare members of governments and crowned heads. Across the Channel, Prince Charles, his eldest son William and the Princess of Kent had tested positive for the virus. In France, several politicians have also been affected by the disease. Emmanuel Macron had to isolate himself, under high medical supervision in the event of an emergency, before the end of the year celebrations. Jean Castex, Prime Minister, was also infected last November, after Roselyne Bachelot and Elisabeth Borne, hospitalized. Recently, it was Roxana Maracineanu, Minister of Sports, who was prevented from traveling to Beijing to attend the Olympic Games due to her contamination with Covid-19. Isolated, Rowana Maracineanu remains in good shape, however enough to continue “[ses] remote assignments“.

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