Feminicide A white march in Nice in tribute to Lisa, killed by her ex-spouse

“Love ≠ kill”: a white march in tribute to Lisa, a mother killed by her ex-companion on January 1, gathered 500 people in Nice this Sunday afternoon, according to the prefecture.

The people present at this gathering went from the victim’s home, located in a popular district of the city, to the promenade des Anglais by the sea where a balloon release took place in tribute to Lisa, this mother family of four children, aged 45, found dead strangled in the trunk of a car eight days earlier.

In the parade, many people wore a white T-shirt with the portrait of the victim, while others held up signs “She leaves him, he kills her” or “To love to kill”. LR deputy for Alpes-Maritimes Eric Ciotti was also present during the white march and shared on Twitter his “deep emotion”.

Judicial information for assassination was opened Monday by the Nice prosecutor’s office, after the discovery of the body of this woman that her ex-companion admitted to having strangled.

Victims of domestic violence: the numbers to help you

Blackmail, humiliation, insults, beatings … If you are a victim of domestic violence, urgently call the police at 17. You can also contact the dedicated listening number 3919. The 3919 “Violences femmes info” is a free number. It is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

the 114 also allows emergency and law enforcement to be alerted in real time by SMS. Dedicated to deaf and hard of hearing people, this number can also be useful to any citizen in certain circumstances where the victim cannot speak aloud or wishes to remain discreet.

Four feminicides since the start of the year

On Saturday January 8, a man was taken into police custody, suspected of having killed his 29-year-old partner and their two-year-old daughter with several stab wounds in Aubervilliers (Seine-Saint-Denis), bringing the number to four. of homicides by spouse or ex-spouse in France since the beginning of 2022.

On January 1, a 27-year-old woman was killed in Maine-et-Loire by her companion, while another, 56, in Meurthe-et-Moselle, suffered the same fate under identical circumstances.

According to the latest report from the Ministry of the Interior, 102 women were killed at the hands of their spouse or ex-spouse in 2020. They were 146 in 2019. The feminist collective against gender-based and sexual violence #NousToutes counts 113 feminicides in 2021.

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