Feminism Debate – Who is allowed to call themselves a woman? – Culture

It was “irresponsible”, “completely insane”. Alice Schwarzer is irritated. And shows what she has been famous for for decades: aggressiveness.

In the SRF talk show “Gredig direkt”, the controversial feminist from Germany railed against Switzerland, more precisely: about a change in the civil code. Since January 1, 2022, anyone in this country can have their registered gender changed unbureaucratically.

Alice Schwarzer finds that tricky. And so the co-author of a pamphlet on transsexuality that appeared a few months ago claims: “The whole thing has taken on dimensions that cannot be described. We’re softening the gender category!»

Feminism will be disposed of

The dissolution of the sexes: Sara Rukaj also warns of this. In her recently published book “The Antiquatedness of Woman” she sees them as victims of blurring gender boundaries. And threatened with disappearance.

It is “nice to see that people are made aware of the problems of trans people”. However, this should not happen “at any price”, says the philosopher and psychologist in an interview. Because there are differences between the sexes. And if you deny this, “you can dispose of feminism right away”.

Feminism becomes diverse

The Aqua:Tofana looks completely different. The rapper also sees herself as a feminist – although, precisely because she propagates gender fluidity. It is not without reason that the character for gender diversity structures her name: the gender colon. (Which, by the way, allows feminine pronouns in her case.)

In the song “Fluid”, Aqua:Tofana cannot be restricted to a specific gender. Rather, it shatters the distinction Man Woman: «Nobody puts me in a form, because I stay liquid.» And: «We are all liquid».

The graduate of the Zurich University of the Arts plays with gender attributions – and deliberately mixes clothes and accessories that are commonly interpreted as male or female.

So she wears fine jewelry and chunky sneakers, nail polish and baggy jeans. With this style, she wants to subvert expectations and emphasize “the fluid”.

Anonymously for self protection

Her most striking feature is a crocheted balaclava inspired by the well-known feminist collective Pussy Riot. The art activists from Russia often appear in balaclavas. In their (punk) songs, they sharply criticize Vladimir Putin’s politics and speak out in favor of equal rights for all genders.

The mask is for Aqua:Tofana to remain anonymous. She knows that her real name can be researched, but her texts offend. That’s why she doesn’t want to reveal the identity. And chose a provocative pseudonym instead: Aqua Tofana denotes a deadly mixture of poisons.

With a mustache in the women’s pool?

In their definition of Woman the rapper includes trans women – and thus people whose sex was assigned as male at birth, but who identify as female. Such a constellation made headlines this summer.

As the NZZ first reported, a person with a mustache asked for access to the Zurich women’s baths. She officially identified herself as a woman. But since the staff read the potential guest as a man due to his appearance, he was denied entry.

This event may be an isolated case. But it bears witness to the insecurity that prevails when dealing with trans people. Even with feminists.

Strike, but for whom?

Whether it’s Alice Schwarzer, who will soon be 80, Sara Rukaj, 30, or Aqua:Tofana, 23, they all campaign for women’s rights. However: what Woman today means and who is allowed to call themselves that, a sometimes heated debate has flared up.

The term united for a long time Woman the feminism. The focus was on fighting discrimination in a patriarchal society. It was closely linked to the classic gender separation female Male.

Coined by Judith Butler

Towards the end of the 20th century, gender feminists broadened the understanding of Woman – towards people whose femininity had often (rather) been denied before.

She was particularly influenced by Judith Butler. In her 1990 essay “The Discomfort of the Genders”, the American philosopher decouples gender identity from physical characteristics.

The Swiss women’s strike, which is now feminist strike called. At the 2019 National Day of Protest, he considered any person who identifies as a woman to be a woman, regardless of biological characteristics.

Half a million people attended. But whether everyone has the same idea of Woman had? doubts are warranted.

Mixed picture

The gender researcher Dominique Grisard observes two camps in feminism: one advocates the concept of the “so-called biological woman”, the other “sexual diversity”.

It would be interesting to find out how the two fractions can be broken down by age, social milieu or political conviction. In the course of our research, however, we did not come across any corresponding study (for Switzerland).

It is reasonable to assume that conservative circles are skeptical about Judith Butler’s position. But so does Sara Rukaj – and she sees herself as a “Marxist leftist”. In general, there are progressive and conservative voices on the left. And gradations in between.

Similarly, there are varying opinions among young and old. So the picture of who leans towards which camp does not seem to be uniform.

dramatized differences

These different perspectives have repeatedly led to conflicts for years, especially since the “multiplication of gender forms”, according to Dominique Grisard, is accompanied by “a stronger dramatization of gender differences”.

The historian at the Center for Gender Studies at the University of Basel identifies an “uncertainty” in society. Many people want to be cosmopolitan – and that is precisely why they are confronted with ideas about gender that are sometimes new to them. You have to get your bearings first.

It’s always been like this! Versus: It shouldn’t be like this anymore! – In view of these poles, the central question is: preservation or liberation from norms? And with that: Does a woman need a biological core? Or is Woman more of a feeling, detached from fixed body characteristics?

dealing with atrocities

Sara Rukaj repeatedly addresses this in her book – in a peculiar mixture of intellectually demanding and polemically pointed passages. She comes to a clear answer, especially since women suffer discrimination and abuse precisely because of their bodies.

«Abortion bans, forced veils, genital mutilation or even femicide have to do with the female gender and the woman’s ability to bear children. If you now claim that there is no biological sex, these problems are swept under the table!”, says Rukaj.

This is exactly what is happening now with the simplified change of the registered gender. The native Austrian believes that if a person who is optically read as a man is allowed to call himself a woman, that will make the female body disappear.

“Something’s wrong with you”

Aqua:Tofana disagrees. Gender feminism also needs the word femicide. Only the point of reference is different: it includes trans women, but not at the expense of women in the sense of Rukaj. “For me, diversity does not mean that something else is missing, but that something is added.”

The rapper knows from her own experience what it means to have to justify her nature. “Even as a little girl I was told I was too loud.” She bought clothes in the boys’ department and was interested in cars. “Then you get the feeling: something is wrong with you.”

Suddenly a lot more sense

As a reaction to this, she “threw herself very much into female connotations” during puberty, but at the age of 20 she began to reflect on her path. This is how she came closer to (gender) feminism. “And then the world – or my identity – suddenly made a lot more sense.”

Nevertheless, she still sometimes feels “afraid of the reaction of others”.

quarrel flared up

Explore what to do with Woman what is meant is: This struggle for the body is also a struggle for words. Parts of the gender and queer community are calling for phrases like “menstruating person” or “person with a vulva” instead of Woman.

May we Woman so don’t say any more? This is the question Joanne K. Rowling faced in 2020. The creator of the “Harry Potter” novel series got into a shitstorm on Twitter. «People who menstruate? I’m sure there used to be a word for these people,” she tweeted. And promptly earned the accusation of transphobia.

Rowling rushed to clarify that he had nothing against trans people, but rather against gender-negating expressions. Since then, the dispute has flared up several times on the Internet as to whether the author is transphobic – or not.

Equality: yes, but…

Regardless: eroded with Woman the central concept of feminism, triggered by feminists themselves?

Sara Rukaj agrees – with a rhetorical counter-question: “How are we supposed to fight for women’s rights in the future when gender no longer has a real point of reference and the woman – as if she had no mind – is only defined by individual body parts and bodily processes?”

She comes to the conclusion: “Queer ideologues are welcome to deal with trans people”, but they should “not try to delegitimize classic feminism”.

Meanwhile, Aqua:Tofana reiterates her point of view: women in Sara Rukaj’s understanding are “just as important in our feminism as the other genders”. And for her part asks rhetorically: “Anyone who calls themselves a feminist wants equal rights for all genders. And then you exclude trans women or men?”

Who is allowed in which cabin?

The ping-pong of questions leads back to the incident in the women’s pool: Should people who see themselves as women but have masculine traits be allowed access from now on?

The Office for Equal Opportunities in the City of Zurich has developed a guide together with the Sports Office. For all bathing establishments, this trans women recommends the women and trans men the men’s locker room. Of course, this does not rule out the possibility that the staff and everyone involved will look for an individual solution if there are irritations in the women’s pool.

The rapper Aqua:Tofana can understand the concerns of previous visitors, but pleads for admission. Otherwise trans women would only be discriminated against even more.

For Sara Rukaj this is going too far. She welcomes rooms for trans people. They should, however, “refrain from wanting to take the shelters of women”.

danger of polemics

And the research? Dominique Grisard from the University of Basel has “no panacea”. You are aware that depending on the weighting of the arguments, one side feels offended. All the more she tries to convey: “It is important that you discuss.”

As long as the culture of debate is civilized, it is evidence of an intact society. This includes the fact that in the current, sometimes “very polarized time”, a dissent can remain, the gender researcher points out.

On the other hand, polemics and defamation should be avoided. In everyone’s interest.

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