Festival in Gastein – Jazz Autumn brings poetically soulful sounds

In her Canadian homeland, she is a real shooting star on the clarinet: At the Gastein Jazz Autumn, Virgina MacDonald will be standing on the clarinet in the sawmill and singing dream tones with Stephane Belmondo on the trumpet.

Jazz fans can expect extraordinary sound experiences in the Gastein Valley: “We are rushing towards our second Jazz Autumn,” says organizer Sepp Grabmaier. He has been pulling the strings for three festivals a year for many years. The birth of jazz was celebrated in Gastein in 2000. “I discovered the Swedish Esbjörn Svensson Trio back then, and shortly afterwards I got my internet connection at home and contacted the group,” says Grabmaier. During the corona pandemic he almost wanted to withdraw. An unexpectedly large number of jazz fans signed visitor contracts for the whole year. Kick-off: On Wednesday with Raab & van Endert & Klinger (8 p.m.).
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