Fewer ATMs: You can still get cash

Anyone who has not moved from their place of residence often during the pandemic is now finding out that there are no longer ATMs not far from the office or in the nightlife area. More and more banks are closing branches or dismantling ATMs. Deutsche Bank alone wants to close almost 200 Postbank branches by 2023. Commerzbank is saving almost every second branch: At the beginning of 2021 there were still 790 of them, in the future there will only be 450, according to a press release. According to a study by the auditing firm PwC, up to 40 percent of bank branches could disappear across Europe by 2023. One of the reasons for this is that the ATM systems are outdated and maintenance is therefore rather expensive. In addition, more and more people prefer to use online banking and pay by card.

Withdraw money at Rewe, Aldi & Co.

If your bank’s ATM isn’t nearby, a supermarket will do if necessary. In many branches, money can be withdrawn free of charge at the checkout. However, you may not only get large bills there. If there is almost only small change in the till, which is possible especially in the evening, you might get a handful of coins. In addition, you have to shop for a certain amount in the store so that you can even get cash at the checkout. This limit differs from market to market. At the markets in the following overview, up to 200 euros can be withdrawn by Girocard if you reach the purchase value:

  • Aldi Süd: from 5 euros purchase value. Withdrawing money not only works with a Girocard, but also with a credit or debit card. At Aldi Nord there are none of these options.
  • Lidl: from 5 euros purchase value.
  • Edeka: from 20 euros purchase value. In some branches you can buy it for as little as 10 euros.
  • Norma: from 10 euros purchase value.
  • Penny: from a purchase value of 10 euros.
  • Rewe: from 10 euros purchase value.

By the way, you can also get cash at the tills of the Rossmann, dm and Müller drugstores if you wish. You don’t have to reach a fixed amount, you just have to buy something. To get cash, simply say how much you’d like at the till. The amount will then be deducted from your account along with the money for the purchase. There are no additional fees.

Account with flexible withdrawal

Don’t feel like thinking about cash when you’re shopping at the checkout? Then an additional account could be the solution to get cash without stress. Some banks, including the DKB, give you a free debit card with your checking account, which you can use to withdraw money from ATMs throughout Germany free of charge. No matter whether Sparkasse, Sparda-Bank or Commerbank: Many ATMs spit money out with this card free of charge. However, you must collect at least 50 euros for this to work.

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