FIA determined after podium scandal: Russian kart winner shows Hitler salute

FIA determines after podium scandal
Russian kart winner shows Hitler salute

A 15-year-old Russian races under the Italian flag at the European Karting Championship and wins. On the podium, he caused a scandal when, while the anthem was playing, he stretched out his arm in a fascist salute and then burst out laughing. The world association FIA determined.

When he crossed the finish line on Sunday in Portimão in Portugal at the European Junior Karting Championship, which is organized by the world association FIA, Artyom Severyukhin was celebrated as the winner. But a short time later, the Russian kart pilot was the big loser. The 15-year-old first hit his heart with his right fist on the podium and then presumably formed either a Hitler salute or the so-called Roman salute with his arm. The latter was mainly used by the Italian fascists under Benito Mussolini and is considered the template for the Hitler salute.

Now the world motorsport association is investigating against Severyukhin. “The FIA ​​has launched an immediate investigation into the unacceptable behavior of Mr. Artyom Severyukhin,” wrote the world association on Twitter and stated that they would soon be announcing further steps on this topic.

Start under the Italian flag

At the award ceremony, Severyukhin stood at the top of the podium, while the Italian national anthem sounded, because the Russian driver had taken part in the race on the Iberian Peninsula under the Italian flag for the Russian team SMP Racing, which is sponsored by the Russian state-owned company Gazprom, among others. This might have tempted him to salute. Russia is currently suspended from a number of motorsport competitions due to the war of aggression against Ukraine.

The Kremlin is trying to justify its war in Ukraine as “denazification.” Ruler Vladimir Putin said he invaded Ukraine to protect people alleged to have been harassed and murdered by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s “neo-Nazi regime”. This absurd and easily refuted claim can still be heard from Moscow, despite the fact that Zelenskyy is himself a Jew.

After the fascist gesture, Severyukhin burst out laughing on the podium. Videos and photos of the incident then caused violent reactions in Italy, Ukraine and Poland. The scandal at the European Kart Championship also caused a lot of excitement on social networks. Also because the FIA ​​initially removed all articles and results for the race from its own homepage, as well as tweets and user comments. Only then did the statement follow via Twitter post.

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