Swisscom has received a fine from the Federal Competition Commission (Weko) in the fiber optic dispute.
The antitrust watchdogs consider the construction of the fiber optic network to be anti-competitive.
They have now made the telecommunications company pay a fine of around 18 million francs. The Comco announced this in a communiqué.
In December 2020, the competition authorities stopped Swisscom’s fiber optic expansion with precautionary measures. According to Comco, the network architecture changed by Swisscom with only one line from the telephone exchange to the street shaft violates antitrust law.
Swisscom has received a fine from the Federal Competition Commission (Weko) in the fiber optic dispute and now has to pay a fine of around 18 million francs.
The competition commission is insisting on an expansion with a supply line for every household. This is the only way Swisscom’s competitors can offer customers their own Internet offerings that differ from those of Swisscom and, for example, offer higher surfing speeds than the “Blue Giant”. In addition, each household receives a direct line to the telephone exchange and does not have to share the line with the neighbors.
However, this construction method is more expensive than just laying a supply line from the telephone exchange to the street shaft in front of the houses. Swisscom chose the cheaper option for cost reasons and stuck to it for a long time despite the veto of the competition watchdog.
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