FIFA 23: this famous streamer has it all wrong about players and countries when opening his packs!

The recent launch of FIFA 23 is a godsend for the biggest Cristiano Ronaldo fan in the entire Twitch-game: Speed. The streamer, who has experienced a big increase in popularity this year, is having a great time on EA’s new opus, and bombards us with clips, each tastier than the next. Except that the streamer’s footballing (and geographic) knowledge plummets as soon as it’s no longer about CR7 and his teams… The proof with this absolutely memorable opening pack, also recognized as a 0/10 in good and due form in terms of guessing the players obtained…

There’s nothing going

In FIFA, the opening of packs is for many a moment of great intensity, which ends in joy… or in terrible frustration. True FIFA aficionados know teams and players like the back of their hand, and often guess what they’ve packed before the player spawn animations even finish.

But when Speed ​​lends itself to this exercise which requires a huge knowledge of the middle of the round ball, nothing goes. Kulusevski becomes Harry Kane, Reguilon becomes “Religion” and Federico Bernardeschi becomes “Berardodeeskavika”.

Prince of football despite everything

The streamer even confuses the countries, in addition to the players! A veritable fiasco of pronunciation and divination, which did not fail to make Twitter laugh all day. Despite this amazing riddle session, Speed ​​confirms its rise among streamers who swear by football. This unconditional fan of CR7 has become in a few months an essential figure of the Twitch game, with great blows of nervous but delirious clips and show matches between influencers with real ground and public.

FIFA 23 has only been out for a few days, but its sales figures seem to prove that this latest installment from EA Sports puts its predecessor to the fine. Could FIFA 23 have found the key to success?

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