Fighting since June: London: Russians enter embattled Bachmut

Battles since June
London: Russians enter embattled Bachmut

After a tough fight, Russian troops are said to have succeeded in entering the city of Bakhmut. British intelligence reports. The strategically important city in the Donbass has been fought over for almost half a year. Losing street fights will probably follow.

According to British estimates, Russian forces have penetrated the city of Bakhmut in eastern Ukraine, which has been fought over for months. “The Russian infantry is now likely to have gained a foothold in the eastern industrial areas of the city and at times advanced into the city’s residential areas,” the Ministry of Defense in London said, citing intelligence findings. “Street fights continue.” The Russian troops are both regular military and mercenaries from the Wagner group.

There has been fighting over Bakhmut in the Donetsk region since June. So far, the front line ran east of the city. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy made a surprise visit to Bakhmut on Tuesday and distributed medals and gifts to soldiers.

Since the fighting for the cities of Lysychansk and Sievjerodonetsk in July, there have been few battles in urban centers, according to London sources. Such battles required well-trained infantry. “This type of combat is unlikely to favor poorly trained Wagner fighters and the Russian Army’s mobilized reservists,” the ministry said.

The British Ministry of Defense has published daily information on the course of the war since the beginning of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine at the end of February, citing intelligence information. In doing so, the British government wants to both counter the Russian portrayal and keep allies in line. Moscow accuses London of a targeted disinformation campaign.

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