Films and series adapted from video games for 2022

As the end-of-year celebrations are fast approaching, it’s an opportunity to look ahead a bit and see what awaits us in 2022. As for the games, we are in the process of concocting you an article with small onions. Here, we will rather focus on a phenomenon which seems to be gaining momentum in recent years: adaptations of video games into films and series. As much to say to you that if you are fond of it, you will have something to do!


With the cast of Tom Holland (Nathan Drake), Mark Wahlberg (Victor Sullivan) or Antonio Banderas in the role of the villain, Uncharted may well explode at the box office. Nathan and his mentor Sully will go in search of Magellan’s treasure. Although repeating mythical scenes from the video game saga created by Naughty Dog, this story will be new to the film.

For those who don’t know, explorer Fernand de Magellan left Spain with a fleet of five ships in 1519. He was said to have been the first man to sail around the world. Nathan will seek to find a mysterious treasure that he would have left during his trip. Helped by clues from his brother Sam, it will be necessary to wait for the February 16, 2022 to discover his whole story.

What to expect ?

An Indiana Jones-style adventure with lots of action, fighting and epic moments.

The Last of Us

Definitely, Naughty Dog will be honored in 2022. After Uncharted, it is the successful license The Last of Us which will be entitled to its adaptation but on the small screen this time. To play Joel Miller we will find Pedro Pascal (Game of Thrones, Narcos, The Mandalorian…) who will give the answer to Bella Ramsey (Game of Thrones), who will play the role of Ellie.

The story of the series will pick up the events of the first game, while adding cut scenes. Knowing that this is an HBO production and that Gustavo Santaolalla will remain in charge of the music (as for the games), we can clearly expect a pretty crazy rendering. Unconditional fans of the game but also newcomers should find what they are looking for. Regarding the release date, the ten episodes should arrive current 2022.

What to expect ?

A crossing of the United States rich in emotions and infected, all carried by an iconic duo.

Sonic the Movie 2

Following on from Sonic, released in 2020, this second opus will once again follow the adventures of the famous blue hedgehog. He will once again have to face Dr. Robotnik, played by Jim Carrey. The latter will be in good company since, to find an emerald capable of building and destroying civilizations, he will be accompanied by Knuckles (voiced by Idris Elba).

Sonic the Movie 2 will continue to mix animation and live action. The first opus having received generally mixed reviews, we hope that this sequel will really pay tribute to the character of Sega. The film should also focus on his relationship with Tails, while further developing the character of Dr. Robotnik. Appointment on April 6, 2022.

What to expect ?

A family comedy with a scenario a bit telephoned and a very nice end.

Cyberpunk Edgerunners

Cyberpunk 2077, does that ring a bell? Well know that an anime is planned on Netflix current 2022. Without repeating the game’s storyline, this series will have its own story that will take place over ten episodes. We will follow the adventures of a street kid trying to survive in a futuristic city, made of technology and body modifications.

It is the Studio Trigger who will take care of its realization, while the soundtrack will be composed by Akira Yamaoka (who was notably in charge of the Silent Hill series). That’s about all we know at the moment, but we clearly expect a lot from it. Between the cyberpunk atmosphere and a world in a dystopian future, there is enough to make an excellent animated series.

What to expect ?

A rather crazy futuristic universe that will inevitably speak to lovers of the genre but not only.

Super Mario Bros.

Little is known about this film which was announced during a Nintendo Direct in September 2021. It obviously features the character of Mario, famous plumber from the Super Mario video game series. Chris Pratt (Guardians of the Galaxy, Jurassic World) will lend her his voice, while Peach will be voiced by Anya Taylor-Joy (The Lady’s Game), Luigi as Charlie Day (How to Kill Your Boss ?, Pacific Rim) and the devilish Bowser by the excellent Jack Black.

After the critical and commercial failure of the 1993 film, Nintendo hoped that Super Mario Bros. will be a good adaptation of his successful license. Regarding its release date, we know it should arrive in our theaters current 2022 without having more information on the subject. Note also that this will be an animated film in which the actors will lend their voices.

What to expect ?

Like Sonic, a comedy for the whole family that will honor the mustached plumber.

That’s all ?

From video game adaptations to films, there will be a lot of them over the next few years. Without having much information for the moment, we know in particular that Detective Pikachu 2 is in the nails, just like a movie in the Minecraft universe (you read that correctly), formerly scheduled for March 4, 2022, or the continuation of the adventures of Lara Croft with Tomb raider 2.

However, there are three series that particularly pique our curiosity:

  • Halo – We already know that Pablo Schreiber, Natascha McElhone, Bokeem Woodbine will be in the cast of this series which will take place in the world of the famous saga created by Bungie and then taken over by 343 Industries. A teaser has already been released without really giving us any details. You can expect epic battles in heavy armor, all sprinkled with aliens.
  • Assassin’s Creed – Announced by Netflix in October 2020, we hope to relive the story of Ezio Auditore through this series. For the moment this is only speculation, but it is not impossible that we will learn more as soon as next year. Note that we are talking about the live-action series here, and not the animated film or the animated series also planned by Netflix.
  • Final Fantasy – So this is a bit of a mystery. Once again, it would be Netflix on the spot with a live-action series set in the vast universe of Final Fantasy. We do not know if we would not have preferred an animated series instead (there are already some already), but anyway we can not wait to see what the project could give. It must still see the light of day!

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