Final statement: G7 never want to recognize Russia’s border shifts

closing statement
G7 never want to recognize Russia’s border shifts

In times of war, the foreign ministers of the G7 meet on the German Baltic Sea coast. In their final statement, they found clear words about the Russian attack on Ukraine and the consequences that would arise worldwide.

The G7 group will “never” accept the new borders that Russia is aiming for with the war of aggression in Ukraine. “We will never recognize borders that Russia has tried to shift through military aggression,” emphasized the G7 foreign ministers in a statement published at the end of their deliberations in Wangels, Schleswig-Holstein. The G7 will maintain its “support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine – including Crimea – and all states”.

In addition, Russia was asked to end the blockade of Ukrainian grain exports. It is said that this can only be a first step. Russia’s unprovoked war in Ukraine has worsened the global economic outlook with soaring food, fuel and energy prices. Around 43 million people are just one step away from starvation.

There is a risk of food insecurity and malnutrition. This is having devastating consequences for some of the most vulnerable, the statement said. Rising costs would also make it harder for aid organizations to provide aid to those most in need. Together with international partners, it must be ensured that such a situation can never arise again.

lack of grain

Germany currently chairs the G7. In addition to Germany, the group includes the NATO countries USA, Canada, France, Great Britain, Italy and Japan. Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock (Greens) said at the start of the G7 meeting that 25 million tons of grain were currently blocked in Ukrainian ports, especially in Odessa, because of the war.

The grain is urgently needed in African countries and the Middle East. Ukraine is one of the most important grain suppliers worldwide. In 2021, according to figures from the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, it was still the third largest exporter of barley and fifth largest exporter of wheat.

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