finally an announcement that will please… or not

Skull & Bones is a game from Ubisoft that we are impatiently awaiting news about. And indeed, a new release window has finally been revealed.

Skull & Bones is one of Ubisoft’s most anticipated projects, but also one of those that has worried the community the most. Since its presentation in 2017, the game has suffered a fairly significant number of postponements. Some fans ended up no longer believing it, but the studio guaranteed that it was working on it. The problem is that it focuses mainly on its flagship franchises, hence the delay, among other things. But that’s it, we have some good news to announce: the release window for Skull & Bones has been revealed.

Skull & Bones is coming soon, we hope

First of all, you shouldn’t get excited too quickly. This isn’t the first time the game has revealed a potential release date. Remember that it was technically supposed to be released this year, before facing another postponement. However, a closed beta took place on August 25 and 28 for a privileged few on PC. Unfortunately, that didn’t stop him from being struck by bad luck. We mentioned the postponement, but recently, it was the creative director who left the ship. You might think that all hope is lost, but no! Ubisoft Singapore came to calm the community’s fears.

The news emerged yesterday during the company’s latest review: the release window for Skull & Bones is now set for the next financial quarter which runs from January to March 2024. Finally, on paper. This is indeed an official statement from the studio, but the project’s history does not work in its favor. So, it is better to use your tweezers, because the game is not safe from yet another postponement. As a reminder, Skull & Bones was not postponed once, twice, three times, but six times. This is therefore reassuring news, but it must be taken with a step back.

Another project in the shadows

Skull & Bones is not the only Ubisoft production eagerly awaited by players. The sequel to Beyond Good & Evil also has this Arlesian status. And here, we are clearly in a much more uncertain situation than for the pirate game. The company says the second installment is doing well. In any case, she explains that he is not dead. “Development of BGE2 is underway and the team is working hard to deliver on its ambitious promise”. If we know how much the franchise matters to the firm, this lack of communication worries fans.

As a result, Skull & Bones now has a small lead over Beyond Good & Evil 2: a release window. This does not mean that the license born in 2003 has nothing in store in the months to come. Indeed, a leak from a month ago shows that the editor saved Beyond Good & Evil 20th Anniversary Edition with the ESRB. For the record, this is the American classification body responsible for evaluating the content of each title before its release. Will we be dealing with a remake, a remaster, a port to PC and consoles? Currently we do not have any further information on this.

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