finally the highly anticipated patch, it will change the game

One of the big problems with Cities Skylines 2 soon to be resolved thanks to the next patch? Paradox Interactive finally gives reassuring details, but they need to be put into perspective.

Among the city management games, the license Cities: Skylines is the second major representative alongside SimCity. The second opus was released in fall 2023, but it did not necessarily keep all of its promises. With numerous bugs and optimization problems, he is trying as best he can to redress the situation. In this dynamic, the Paradox Interactive studio is announcing something new coming soon.

Cities Skylines 2 overhauls its foundations

In a post on its official forum, the Paradox team shared some details of the next patch to come for Cities Skylines 2. The studio is thus reviewing its copy, thus planning a profound overhaul of the economic system. This should rebalance a particularly problematic part of the gameplay.

In fact, Paradox is currently carrying out “ fine-tuning » of this economic system, which should be much clearer in the future. The team relies on feedback from beta testers to adjust things as best as possible. In doing so, the studio shares its feeling of going “ in the right direction “. However, he recognizes that this will not solve all the problems noted in the game.

This is why the studio plans to give itself a few more weeks. He therefore wishes to take into account as much community feedback as possible in order to truly meet the expectations of Cities Skylines players. Currently, Paradox is planning to release its patch between June 3 and 9, 2024. However, he leaves himself the possibility of moving it back if the need arises.

Due to this delay, the studio is postponing the creator packs for the end of the summer season. This decision stems from a desire to gauge the reception of the next patch and the good feedback hoped for on the adaptation of the economic system. The studio probably wants to avoid repeating the disaster of its last DLC.

Finally, the studio reassures about the interest taken in the well-being of its teams. He thus reminds that he will operate with reduced staff during the summer. It is also a way of reminding its community that there will be no new patch for Cities Skylines 2 during this period, in order to avoid any follow-up problems upon release. We will therefore have to wait until the end of the summer holidays to welcome a new update which “ will introduce free content and other frequent requests, such as new service buildings and vehicles, as well as the addition of a surface tool “.

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