find out what Microsoft’s new OS could look like in this video

The release of Windows 12 is not expected before next year, but the few details that Microsoft has revealed about the future OS have excited the imagination of Internet users most eager to switch to this operating system.

Credit: AR 4789 via YouTube

A Youtubeur named AR 4789 published a video on YouTube in which we discover what could be the interface of Windows 12. We discover an OS with a very sleek design, but which keeps several elements of Windows 11, with rounded corners, and a centered taskbar and which only takes up a minimum width. The change is not only aesthetic. The user has taken a few liberties with the interface offered so far by Microsoft.

Credit: AR 4789 via YouTube

First of all, AR 4789 got rid of the recommendations and ads that are starting to invade Windows 11. This allows you to give a more airy effect and to focus on the essentials, namely the features offered. Here too, our Youtuber has chosen not to highlight the same menus as those currently offered. Thus, in the Start menu, rather than displaying a “Recommended” section, this concept of Windows 12 offers us a “Recently used” menu. The widget panel, on the other hand, plays on customization, with cards that are easy to move around.

This is what the Windows 12 interface might look like

The video also makes us discover “File Explorer, Notepad, or even the Microsoft Store”, in dark and light themes of the most beautiful effect. As NeoWin asserts, this conceptual work is on the whole a mix of the best elements of Windows 11 and Windows 10. Microsoft talks very little about Windows 12. The successor to Windows 11 only got a short mention at the May 2023 Build conference.

We know that Redmond engineers are working on a CorePC platform which, like Core OS, would offer a common “base” to all versions of Windows and would make it possible to create a infinitely scalable operating system and usable on even the least powerful platforms. Add to this that Windows 12 will take even more advantage of Artificial Intelligence, Microsoft’s new workhorse.

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