Find passion: 5 steps to a fulfilled life

Passion is important for a fulfilling life. Here you can find out how you can bring more enthusiasm into your life.

Who does not know it? Everyday life tends to get in the way of our dreams, hobbies or goals. Especially in midlife. The pressures that work, family and their associated responsibilities place on us seem to take up all of our time and energy. Who are you without these identifications? They are certainly important for what defines you. But isn’t there more?

Maybe you’re happy with your current lifestyle and don’t feel the need to change your daily life with one deeper purpose to connect with what you are passionate about. But there are also those who have the feeling that life is without a meaning, motivation or one Passionis empty.

Reading tip: Find meaning in life

What is a passion?

There are two forms of passions – the harmonic and the compulsive. The latter is defined in the Duden as follows: “A state of mind expressed in an emotional state of mind that is difficult to control by the mind (from which something is strived for, desired, a goal is pursued).” In this article we will look at harmonious passion. It is described in the Duden as “Great enthusiasm, pronounced [auf Genuss ausgerichtete] “Inclination, passion for something that one continually seeks to obtain, for something one seeks to possess, for a particular activity to which one dedicates oneself with devotion.”

One of the most common stumbling blocks on the way to a life that… Passion is characterized by finding out what you are passionate about. However, most of us go about finding our passion in the wrong way: we think about it for too long.

Can you learn passion?

It’s not uncommon to put your passions on the back burner. After all, we already have enough to do with family, relationships, careers and other everyday obligations. Passions or hobbies sound more like a luxury that hardly anyone can afford (and especially not working mothers who actually have to manage two jobs with care work). We also got into the habit of keeping ours understanding to use to analyze and rationalize things. On the one hand this is natural and on the other hand it is so torturous. If we really want to find and live out our passion, we have to focus on our Heart hear. And not on our heads. The flames of passion come through actions started. Not through thoughts.

How do I find out what my passion is?

The endless and paralyzing chatter in our heads often tries to talk us out of what our hearts long for. When it comes to passion, we should rather focus on children. Means: make it easy! It’s not about what you accomplish, but what you try to achieve. Have you been wanting to start a dance class for a long time, but think you’re too bad, too old or too inflexible? Turn off your head and just do it! Try not to judge yourself. Pressure to perform was yesterday.

The key is to find out what interests you most and then take the first step. This can be in any area of ​​your life. And: you can Find a new passion at any time.

1. Self-knowledge

If you’re not sure what you’re passionate about, you can ask yourself the following questions:

  • What things make me happy?
  • How do I feel when I do this activity?
  • What are things that I enjoy doing?
  • What are my values ​​and beliefs?
  • What are my strengths?
  • What gives me energy?
  • Which activities am I committed to and which ones am I putting off?
  • What can I talk about for hours?

2. Create a vision board

A vision board is a type of collage or pin board that you decorate with your deepest wishes and goals. Here’s our complete guide to a vision board and how it can help you find your passion.

3. Love everything you do

From now on, if you don’t like something, you have two options: you can stop doing it or you can start loving it with all your heart. Truly happy people are never victims of their circumstances. They realize that they have ultimate power in every situation and take responsibility for their experiences. And if you can’t change at a certain moment, What you do, you can at least change, How you do it.

4. Stop talking and start acting

Albert Einstein once said: “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” So if every day is similar to the next, you will hardly find your passion. It can therefore help to explore new areasthat are outside your comfort zone and incorporate them into your routine.

5. Mindfulness

Mindfulness exercises help us tune into our inner, true feelings. We often subconsciously already know what we are passionate about. We just need to get in touch with our inner self to bring this knowledge to the forefront.

Passions should be fun, inspiring and invigorating. Allow your mind and heart to open to the inspiration around you. Above all, trust that the things you are passionate about will show themselves. In the meantime, it helps you cultivate your self-awareness and mindfulness to move closer to your passion, little by little.

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