Firefighter injured – arson attack on police: seven cars burned down

Six civilian police cars from the Federal Criminal Police Office and a patrol car were set on fire in Vienna’s Leopoldstadt on Monday night. The cars parked one behind the other burned out completely. Interior Minister Gerhard Karner (ÖVP) condemned the “sneaky attack in the strongest terms”.

As the “Krone” learned from the executive, traces of fire accelerants were discovered on six of the seven cars parked in Kleine Stadtgutgasse. Apparently, fire was set in the area of ​​the front wheel arches using flammable liquid and textiles. Firefighter injuredThe fire brigade arrived and was able to quickly bring the flames under control. Nevertheless, the Skoda, VW and Seat service vehicles were partially completely destroyed. In addition, a firefighter was slightly injured during the extinguishing work. Search for witnesses So far there are no suspects for the arson attack, and the motive is still unclear. The investigations and the search for witnesses are in full swing. “Sneaky attack” Minister of the Interior Gerhard Karner (ÖVP) condemned the arson attack “in the strongest terms” in an initial reaction. “It was not just a sneaky attack on the police, but above all a danger for the residents,” said Karner.
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