first boycotted, Artus and its actors with disabilities found brands to dress them

After the incredible start of the film Un P’tit truc en plus directed by Artus, the film team planned to climb the steps of the Cannes Film Festival. Made up mainly of people with disabilities, the actor and comedian revealed that many luxury brands refused to dress the cast of the film. He finally found a solution and thanks the brands who responded.

It’s a pretty incredible situation that actor and director Artus experienced a few days before the Cannes Film Festival. While he fought for his team to climb the steps of this legendary Festival after the crazy success of his film, A little something extra, it’s official on May 22, the entire cast will be present on the red carpet. Eleven actors with disabilities and four classic actors, “ four boring » as he describes them, including Clovis Cornillac, Céline Groussard, Alice Belaïdi and himself.

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Happy to be able to accompany his team up the steps of this must-see cinema, he thanks the 1.6 million spectators who have already gone to a darkened theater, all in less than two weeks, to enjoy this feel-good work . A hit, which places the film at the top of the best starts since the Covid-19 crisis. A story “which does good» and which tells the story of the escape of a father and his son after a robbery who find themselves in a summer camp for young adults with disabilities. However, despite this triumph, a shadow was added to the picture.

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Artus and his team are controversial a few days before the rise of the steps

Indeed, invited onFrance Interthis Saturday, May 11, 2024, the actor and director, Artus, revealed that no luxury brand had deigned to want to dress the team of the film A little thing in addition for the climb of the steps of the Cannes Film Festival. While it is a tradition that luxury brands lend outfits for celebrities invited to this type of event, he regrets the refusals he had to face. “I do not understand why. They tell us stories about quotas, saying “No, but we have already lent all our costumes”» deplores the actor before adding: “CIt’s always more elegant for a brand to dress Brad Pitt than to dress (…) Artus and even more so actors with disabilities“. A sad reality that the director summed up in one sentence with chagrin: “Do not mix tea towels and towels“.

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Despite everything, the 36-year-old director did not appear defeatist at the microphone of France Inter, not wanting this wonderful adventure to be wasted, he said: “It doesn’t matter, it’s our costume designers for the film who will make them very beautiful costumes, make us very beautiful costumes and it will be very good“. But it was a real twist that the film team experienced this Tuesday, May 14, 2024 and very good news as well.

Many brands came to the aid of Artus

It was through his Instagram account that the actor and director spoke to give news of what he calls #CostardGateCannes. Happy, he reveals that the situation finally got better and a solution was found! In a video posted this Tuesday, May 14, 2024, he would like to thank the brands who responded to his call “positively and very quickly“. “A BIG thank you to the @kering_official group for coming forward to dress our actors on the red carpet!!!! ❤️» he writes in the caption of this video.

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He then cites other luxury brands that have come “the first ones very quickly» : «A big big up to all the brands who responded favorably: @boss @lacoste @amiparis@ralphlauren@thekooples @[email protected] @figaretparis» he writes before highlighting one last brand that he wants to particularly thank since they were present “from the start even before it all caught fire” by preparing “a tailor-made dress for Marie»: Momoni. A video in which he couldn’t help but make a little tackle to the marks “who didn’t come and sent us on the ropes“. All’s well That ends well !

The people? A whole world! Passionate about the media, networks, series, films, and investigative investigations of all kinds, it was naturally that Jessica turned to writing and that she takes…

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