first images of the comedian since the accident

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Under house arrest and under electronic bracelet, Pierre Palmade has been in the sights of justice since he caused a serious road accident on Friday February 10, not far from his home. Discreet since then, the comedian made his first outing. The images go around the web!

An investigation is underway to determine the exact circumstances of the road accident which occurred on February 10 on a departmental road in Seine-et-Marne and involved Pierre Palmade. The 54-year-old comedian who was driving his vehicle under the influence of narcotics not far from his residence in Cély-en-Bière provoked a double collision which claimed several victims, including a baby who could not be saved, a 6-year-old boy whose jaw was broken and whose brain is said to have been damaged, and his father who is currently believed to be still in a coma at the time current. Tuesday, February 15, Pierre Palmade was taken into custody by the prosecutor of Melun, then indicted for homicide and involuntary injuries. He is under house arrest, having been transferred to the addiction center of the Paul Brousse hospital (Villejuif), under the control of an electronic bracelet.

If he has not spoken directly since the tragedy, having preferred to apologize to the victims and their loved ones through the voice of his sister Hélène, Pierre Palmade finally appeared in front of the camera of Paris Match. Our colleagues were actually able to film his Exit from the High Court of Melun on Friday, February 17, images which were published on social networks thereafter and since widely relayed. So much so that the video posted on Twitter posted nearly 600,000 views in less than 48 hours. Journalist Marine Mazeas who was present at the scene commented: “Pierre Palmade was surprised to see me, looked at me then lowered his head, not proud. I was surprised by his physical condition, he looks pretty good. Before adding: “Pierre Palmade didn’t walk fast, but he can stand up…”.

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Pierre Palmade targeted by another investigation

Pierre Palmade had already spoken about his addiction problems publicly, and several of his friends, including Muriel Robin – now disgusted by his behavior – had supported him in his fight. Today, it is a medical team that surrounds him within the Paul Brousse hospital. “He is there to try to stop these substances” explained a journalist from BFM TVin relation to the conditions of surveillance of the comedian. “There are caregivers who are there to support him in this process. It is a situation which is quite extraordinary. There is a balance sheet of his various addictions […]there will be a period of withdrawal” she added, then referring to “both physical and psychological care”.

Especially since at the same time Pierre Palmade is concerned by another investigation opened recently, after the revelations of a man who participated in several sex parties with him, explaining that the actor was in possession of child pornography files. A search of his Parisian home has already been ordered.


If writing is a pleasure, being read is even more so. Passionate about pop-culture, Jonathan sets the tempo in the right key to keep you always well informed. Attracted by …

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