You want to know if there are signs for the first period? Oh yes, that’s it! We’ll tell you what they are.
Even though we know that sooner or later we will get all our days: For many young women, the first period is quite surprising. There are quite a few signs that could almost “warn you” – if you know them then …
First Period: Signs and Harbingers
Healthy young women can expect their first menstruation between the ages of 10 and 16 with an average age of 12.5 years. During this period, the body is the hormone metabolism, in women, especially the estrogen production is significantly increased and thus created the conditions for sexual maturity and to have children. The practical thing: the increased estrogen level not only leads to the first ovulation (and the associated repulsion of the uterine lining and menstruation), but also manifests itself in other things – and they can act as harbingers of the first menstrual period!
The following signals are typical signs of the first period:
- Pubic Hair: Under the armpits and on the vagina grow hair now
- Breasts : Yay, they are coming! Your breasts are getting bigger, your body shape generally “feminine” and curvy
- Whiteflow : A white, milky fluid or mucous secretion comes out of your vagina repeatedly
When you notice these changes in your body, you can expect that your period will soon begin. What exactly “soon” means in this context variesfrom woman to woman: some get their first rule only a few months after they first notice their white-flow, others take one to two years. But one thing is certain: when all these things happen to your body, that’s a great thing! They show that you are healthy and can have children in the future, if you want to.
Abdominal pain as a sign of the first period?
It is true that many women suffer from abdominal pain and cramps before or during their menses, especially in the abdomen . About the causes is still being researched, in general, side effects of the period are usually summarized under the term “premenstrual syndrome” ( PMS ). If you are one of the women affected by PMS, abdominal pain that you find particularly unusual and funny may be an indication that you will get your rule in a few days. Also, irritability and unfamiliar or inexplicable feelings could herald your period.