First Period: What Your Daughter Should Know

At some point the time has come and it is there, the first period. A completely new and often very ashamed feeling that our daughters have to deal with for the first time. Now it's time for mom. You can find out everything your daughter should know here.

Yes, the monthly bleeding annoys us too – mood swings, stomach ache, fatigue. But viewed from a different perspective, that's one thing clever thingthat nature has thought up for our body. And we are with the men vastly superior: We can create life and the modern woman of the world doesn't even need a man anymore if she doesn't want to. Actually, a fairly emancipated thing, menstruation.

It is therefore all the more important to ours Educate daughters before their first menstrual period and above all to give them the confidence that they can come to us at any time with any questions about menstruation. It is really frightening that around 21% of parents do not tell their children about their period.

First period – a very special moment

Some girls become perfect from her surprised, others are longing for them – especially when the friends already have them all: the period. In most cases we get it the first time between 10 and 15 years our days. Not infrequently it comes with many ask in tow. And admittedly, talking about your period is not that easy, especially as a young girl – after all, it's about a very intimate subject.

The more openly we parents deal with the topic of menstruation, talk about it and make it clear: It's nothing that is embarrassing! The easier it is for our children. If your daughter has a heavy menstrual period that is associated with pain, talking about it is even more important!

First period: bandage with a heart

First Period – What You Can Do For Your Daughter

Encourage and calm down: Talk to your daughter about the topic at an early stage and provide her with all the information she needs. That gives security and takes the fear away.

Share experience: Tell about your first period. This shows your daughter that you lived through exactly that and that she is not alone with her feelings.

Talk to her about hygiene items: Explain the differences and uses, show her where to find them and go shopping together.

Know the facts: So that you can answer all your daughter's questions as possible.

And here they come, the most important facts!

What age does she come at?

While our grandmothers got their first period much later, today's girls hit puberty much earlier. This is mainly due to the healthier way of life in our society compared to the war and post-war generation. It is now not uncommon for your period to start as early as 10-13 years of age. But even if the first bleeding "only" starts at the age of 14 or 15, that's still totally ok.

Is it going to start soon? These are the signs

When and where the first period starts is of course very individual and unfortunately cannot be planned. One day you just have blood in your panties or on the sheet: Hello menstruation, there you are. However, some signs may Heralds of the first periods his:

  • Cramps, pimples or noticeably increased emotionality
  • Changes in the body, for example, the hips and breasts are likely to become more feminine
  • Hair under the armpits and in the pubic area begins to sprout

Many young girls are these Changes totally uncomfortable, they feel uncomfortable in their skin and are overwhelmed by the hormonal changes. Now they need us by their side to to convey a good feeling: You are exactly right the way you are.

First period: pad and tampon

Mama, why do I have my days at all? – Here is your answer

Short and sweet: No babies without a period. Every month, our hormones ensure that an egg is formed that is waiting to be fertilized. That, in turn, can happen if you unprotected sex have. Our uterus prepares to make the possibly fertilized egg comfortable and builds one Mucous membrane on. So if you get pregnant, that's where the baby develops. If, however, fertilization does not occur, our body rejects the egg cell and uterine lining again, which is then in the Menstrual period makes noticeable.

A process that is super important. Finally our period protects us from infections and increases the likelihood of a safe pregnancy and childbirth, if the time comes.

IMPORTANT: Your daughter can of course get pregnant with her period. but that's even before, because ovulation is indeed held before menstruation. So make sure to educate people about contraception!

And how long is the period?

How strong and how long you have your days is very different. Most have a period of between 4 and 7 days. Once your cycle has settled, you will likely get your period every 21-25 days.

But that's a lot of blood …

Yes, that looks like a lot, but it's only about 5 teaspoons of blood in total. So not much.

Sanitary towels, tampons, menstrual cups and the like – what is suitable for whom?

  • Bandage: Perfect for the Beginning! Simply stick it into the slip, done. The absorbent material then absorbs the bleeding. Important: Change your bandage at least every 4-6 hours.
  • Tampon: Many girls and women climb on it later around. Tampons are inserted into the vagina and stop the bleeding there. Therefore, many women feel more comfortable with it than with a bandage. The same applies here: Change every 4-6 hours.
  • Menstrual cup: Not really suitable for the first few cycles. For Advanced but an alternative. Menstrual cups are small, silicone-made cups that are inserted into the vagina. And there are now small cups especially for young girls (e.g. the Devine Cup).
The Female Company

By the way, we think that's great too Reconnaissance starter set by The Female Company. Everything you need to know about the first period is packaged in an age-appropriate manner and comes home in a great design. Including tampons and sanitary towels in organic quality.

And if you want to read more about periods, you can find out more at