Fit in summer: These workouts burn the most calories

3 summer workouts that will help you burn calories

© maxbelchenko / Adobe Stock

The warm days are perfect to finally get started with our fitness program. Are you still looking for the best workout? These are particularly effective.

Finally summer! While we prefer to open a pack of chocolate on the couch in winter, we have more energy now that it’s getting warmer. We want to be active, get out and move. So now is the perfect time to finally do a little more sport again – it’s much better to train in nature. When it gets light early in the morning, the motivation to squeeze in a workout before work is also a lot greater than in the gloomy winter.

But if we now pull ourselves together to bring our fitness program into shape, it should be worth it! After all, some sports burn a lot more calories than others – so we get more out of the workout. These workouts are maximally effective:

Summer fit: These sports burn the most calories

1. Cycling

On the bike you can get fit by the way! It’s best to swap the car or the bus for a bike – and the commute becomes a fitness unit. This is not only more practical (bye, traffic jams!) and good for the environment, you are also doing something good for your health. Depending on how fast you pedal, you can burn between 500 and 700 calories per hour on a bike. You get even more out of the bike tour if you incorporate fast intervals and inclines into your path in between.

2. Jogging

Of course you can also run in autumn, winter or spring. But at no other time of the year is it as much fun as in summer. Because everything blooms in nature, it is pleasantly warm and you can watch the hustle and bustle around you while jogging. And by the way, you burn a whopping 500 to 1,000 calories with an hour of running. If this isn’t the perfect summer workout! However, you should rather avoid the hot midday. In combination with the heat, jogging quickly becomes too much for your body.

3. Swimming

On warm summer days, there is no better place to endure than in the cool water. And if the outdoor pool or the lake is too crowded for you during the day, then use the early morning hours or the quiet evening for your sports unit in the water. Swimming not only strengthens your cardiovascular system and makes your muscles fit, you also burn between 400 and 600 calories per hour. Not bad!

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