Fit through the winter: This forgotten drink strengthens the immune system

Fit through the winter
This forgotten drink boosts your immune system

© contrastwerkstatt / Adobe Stock

You only need two to three ingredients for this tonic. The healing effects were already valued in the Middle Ages – today the drink is being rediscovered as a superfood.

Do you want to prevent the nasty cold season and fortify yourself with healthy drinks – but you’re tired of chamomile tea, ginger and the like? Then try Oxymel.

Oxy, what?! It sounds exotic, but it is actually a traditional remedy. Sour honey has been used in natural medicine for thousands of years. The The drink consists of apple cider vinegar – “oxy” means sour – and honey, “mel”. The third ingredient is not a must and is very variable; depending on which herbs you add, you can direct the effect in certain directions.

Oxymel was valued by the ancient Greeks and in the Middle Ages, for example by Hildegard von Bingen. Then he was forgotten. The healthy sour honey drink is currently experiencing a revival. Only recently did the startup “Kruut” – which enriches Oxymel with local wild herbs – make it onto the TV show “The Lions’ Den” and has already attracted attention and excitement.

Sour honey is so healthy

Just the basic ingredients of Oxymel, which you can easily make yourself, have an immune-boosting effect:

How to use Oxymel

Apple cider vinegar may sound unpleasant, but when combined with honey it is a refreshing and, above all, alcohol-free thirst quencher with a strengthening effect. To be honest: Oxymel even tastes delicious, pleasantly sweet and sour. It is drunk pure or diluted with water. If you don’t like the taste, you can mix the sour honey with juice and try what suits your palate.

The application is simple: Add 1 tablespoon of Oxymel to a glass of water or juice. You can do it Drink daily as a treatment for three to six weeksthen pause.

Immune booster made from three ingredients

The third ingredient is your magic weapon. The basic ingredients, apple cider vinegar and honey, have wonderful extracting and preservative properties. This means you can easily absorb and preserve the valuable ingredients of the added plants.

There are many different Oxymel products available to purchase. But you can also create your own individual mixture. There are no limits to your imagination – and your taste. You can use herbs like dandelion, lemon balm, ribwort plantain, thyme or sage. Flowers and fruits such as chamomile, rose hips or lavender. Or even healing spices like cinnamon and turmeric.

This is how you make Oxymel yourself

You can customize the production depending on whether you like the taste of vinegar or not. Just start with that Basic recipe of 3 parts honey to 1 part vinegar at. If you like vinegar, you can use 2 parts vinegar. There are also recipes in which the ratio of honey to vinegar is reversed.

Feel free to try out which type of vinegar you like and which honey you like. This also changes the taste. In addition to apple cider vinegar, other fruit vinegars, wine vinegar or rice vinegar are also possible. However, it is important that the vinegar is natural, unfiltered and not heated is so that it is full of probiotic cultures.

This is how you enrich Oxymel with plants

If you have more patience and want to increase the effect of your Oxymel, you can add plant extracts. It works like this:

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