Fitness: This is what happens in your body when you do 10 push-ups a day

This is what happens in your body when you do 10 push-ups a day

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Push-ups are challenging, but they work almost the entire body. It’s a game changer if you can manage to do ten repetitions a day.

While push-ups are no problem for some, others struggle with the intensive strength exercise, especially for the shoulders and arms. One thing is certain: push-ups are Good for your health. According to experts, ten push-ups are a good guideline for how many we should do per day or per exercise session to achieve a healthy level of fitness. But what exactly do these ten push-ups do to us?

What effects can we expect if we do 10 push-ups

1. Strong heart

The first effect may sound a bit counterintuitive, because push-ups are not a classic cardio exercise. But intensive strength exercises like push-ups actually help to boost our endurance and thus keep our heart healthy. study Anyone who manages to complete around ten repetitions per day is doing something good for their heart health.

2. Good posture

The second point is no less important for our long-term health: push-ups also ensure that we stand and walk more upright. Strong shoulder and back muscles are a prerequisite for having good posture. And that is exactly what regular push-ups help us with.

3. Strong muscles

In addition to our back and shoulders, we also train our arms with push-ups. The triceps in particular benefit from this intensive strength exercise. But our chest and abdominal muscles also have to work when we do push-ups. This means that we activate practically our entire upper body during the exercise. If you manage to do ten repetitions a day, you will probably soon be able to enjoy healthy, strong muscles.

How to do push-ups safely and effectively

If you want to take advantage of the positive effects of push-ups, here’s how to do the exercise and what you should pay attention to:

  1. First, get into a plank position, that is, on your hands and feet. Your back should be in a straight line, your hands under your shoulders. Your stomach should be active, so don’t arch your back. If you don’t have enough strength at the beginning, you can also get on your knees for the push-ups.
  2. Now lower your body while you breathe in. Bend your arms at a 45-degree angle to your upper body. Look briefly in front of your hands.
  3. Do not put your upper body on the floor, but stop just before you push yourself back up. Breathe out and keep your elbows close to your body.

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