Fitness: What happens in the body when you train every day for a month

This is what happens in the body when you train every day for a month


Motivating yourself to exercise regularly is difficult for many, especially at the beginning. It can help to know the many benefits of exercising for the body.

Maybe you know that too: You actually want to do sport regularly, but there is … and anyway it’s like that … and anyway! Yes, there are always many reasons why we are reluctant to integrate something that requires effort, discipline and perseverance into our everyday lives. That’s what this article is for: It should show you what you can do for your body if you start training every day for a month now.

Regular fitness exercises: these are the benefits

Anyone who is physically active for at least 150 minutes a week for a month – for example through workouts, various sports, cycling, swimming or physically demanding hobbies such as dancing – der:die can look forward to the following positive developments, among others:

Your muscles and bones will be strengthened: By lifting weights you can build up your own muscles in a targeted manner – provided you have an adequate protein intake. This is particularly important in old age: people lose weight over the years muscle mass and functionincreasing the risk of injury.

You have more energy: This may come as a surprise to some, but vigorous physical activity can be a real energy boost. It may feel different, especially when we start exercising regularly. But different studies have shown that regular exercise can reduce feelings of exhaustion. Because: The more we move, the more blood the heart pumps and this ensures more oxygen in our muscles. The more we train, the more efficient the heart becomes in this process, and with it the muscles. This makes training less demanding on the lungs, which require less energy to carry out any type of physical activity.

Your mood gets better: Fitness can help reduce feelings of depressed mood, anxiety and stress, such as studies prove. Exercise can also stimulate the production of endorphins – a happy hormone in the body.

Your skin shines: Oxidative stress within our bodies can also affect our skin. This type of stress occurs when the body’s defenses are unable to repair the damage done to our cells by free radicals. Regular moderate exercise can help increase the body’s production of natural antioxidants.

Movement is always good – even if it is supposedly “little”

Any movement is better than no movement at all. Perhaps the thought of exerting yourself physically every day is a bit daunting at first. But it doesn’t necessarily take a lot of exercise to have a positive effect on your health.

To start, try to be active for at least 75 minutes a week—that’s roughly 11 minutes a day. After all, “exercise” also includes everything that makes your heart beat faster: cycling, hiking, swimming, jogging, dancing, climbing, but also walking – there are no limits to your imagination! If you notice that you are becoming regular and exercise is becoming an integral part of your everyday life, you can adjust the minutes upwards as needed.

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