Five ideas for a tidy kitchen

Chronic. The mess has an aesthetic dimension that is not always obvious. A photo of my utensil drawer once gave me proof. This vast metallic and multicolored jumble of slicers, peelers, stoners, knives, tongs, brushes and spatulas head to tail, in no apparent order, resembled both the battlefield and the artist’s studio. A real painting. His attentive observation acts that day as a call to satisfied contemplation and culinary creativity, much more than an immediate injunction to tidy up … Especially since this drawer could be closed and keep my inner disorder secret.

Unfortunately, this is not the case for the whole of this essential space of domestic life that is the kitchen. More open than ever, this living room lets you see what is going on there but also what is lying around – clean, dirty or poorly stored. After the euphoria of reuniting in the stoves, its intensive use during periods of confinement has raised new expectations. Among them, adding additional storage (57%), the need for solutions for sorting waste (52%) and improving connectivity (38%), according to an OpinionWay study carried out in September 2020 for SoCoo’c, a brand of equipped kitchens made in France. “There is a real demand for clever solutions to adapt to new uses and optimize spaces, observes Elizabeth Leriche, director of a style office advising in particular Darty or La Redoute. The use of bulk, waste sorting and the desire to vegetate, for example, imply changes in development methods. “ An opportunity to review the options for cooking in serenity and eliminating (or hiding) the box.

1. Save space

This is the major concern. Higher or deeper worktops, cupboards running the full height from floor to ceiling or made to measure to fit under an attic, or even a staircase, niches or lockers in hidden corners: kitchen designers (or gifted handymen) use whatever space. The furniture-drawers (so-called “English-style”) reveal a second embedded drawer, the plinths slide to accommodate placemats and trays, the interior fronts of the doors and the sides of the furniture serve as supports, the shelves are split into two, are suspended. , swivel in the corners or touch the ceilings to store the little used objects …

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