According to information from the Federal Statistical Office in Wiesbaden, more than every fourth child – exactly 26 percent – grows up without siblings. Are you also overjoyed with your sweetheart and have you completed your family planning after "just" one child? Then these sayings from others will sound familiar to you, right?
1. How, just one child? When will number 2 finally come?
It seems as if there is a golden rule in Germany that says that a family is only complete if it has (at least) four people. Parents? Should, no must, always, really always have at least two children. There are many who for various reasons "only" can have one child (illness, finances, job …) – or want to. But no matter what the reason for the decision may be, everyone else should accept the decision and refrain from making such remarks.
2. Can't you – or don't you want to?
No joke, one of our only mothers has actually already been asked this question. Multiple. And from complete strangers on the street. Is that possible? No, of course not. This question is outrageous and can be absolutely hurtful if, for example, the respective parents want to but cannot for various reasons. Or just lost a baby. Or it doesn't work for other reasons. There are more than enough reasons. Therefore, you should make it clear to the person asking that your family planning is a private matter – and that you are not accountable to anyone.
3. Your only child is totally spoiled and a little egomaniac
The American psychologist Granville Stanley Hall once wrote in the 1920s, "Being an only child is a disease in itself." Since then, the catchy opinion has circulated in the minds of many that children who grow up without siblings never learn to share and theirs important social characteristics are missing. Total nonsense, according to a study by the LMU Munich, only children are often even more social than siblings and enjoy great popularity in groups. Why is that? Only children invest more in friendships and colleagues than others. After all, these are not always and of course there.
4. With only one child you don't know any real stress!
There are parents for whom having children is a sporting discipline: the more, the better. And when the offspring are there, those grandmasters in childcare then fervently pat each other on the shoulder in order to congratulate each other with a certificate of honor for the golden blessing of children, short nights and dark circles under the eyes. Single parents, on the other hand, are only worth one award certificate. However: According to various studies, it is precisely the children who are the most relaxed and happiest, whose parents are also relaxed and happy – and not stressed from the tip of their hair to their big toe.
5. You are pretty selfish that you only have one child. Who is this supposed to play with?
The simple answer to allegations, uh, questions like these: With us, for example. Or with the grandparents. Or with friends from daycare. There are more than enough opportunities to play even as an only child. That being said, sometimes less is proven to be more. According to psychological studies, boredom actually promotes creativity. If you are bored, you have to get creative yourself and think up games or look for an alternative occupation. An important factor for child development. After all, Goethe already knew: "Boredom is a bad herb, but also a spice that digests a lot."
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