Fix concealer without powder – with this ingenious trick

Fix concealer without powder
Make makeup last without a mask effect

For radiant skin, it’s worth avoiding powder. We’ll now tell you how we fix our concealer.


To prevent concealer from slipping into the wrinkles, we fix it with powder. But what if we want to do without it? There’s a solution for that too – we’ll show you how to make your make-up last without dryness and a mask effect.

We learned from the makeup pros on the internet that we have our Fix concealer with powder if we don’t want it to slip into the wrinkles. We don’t want to contradict that at all! Powder is a great way to extend the life of your makeup. However, not everyone likes the dry feeling on the skin or the powdery look. Luckily, we have the perfect makeup technique to make yours Concealer lasts without a mask effect close.

Fix concealer without powder: This technique is very easy and long-lasting

Not every powder looks dry or has a powdery finish – light-reflecting products that blend with the skin and its oils can look very natural and set your concealer at the same time. However, we completely understand if you want to avoid it completely. So here’s our favorite technique, where we don’t need any powder.

First of all: It really depends on the concealer. There are products with a semi-matte finish after application dry and like that fix yourself. Next to liquid concealers There are also crayon products whose texture is naturally drier, which means they are less likely to wrinkle. However, we have to be completely honest here and tell you that A bad concealer cannot be fixed flawlessly either with this technique or with powder. Be careful when choosing a product!

Step-by-step instructions to set concealer without powder

  1. One small amount of concealer apply and with that Ring finger Pat evenly (do not wipe!). Only use as much product as you really need – the more product, the more it can slip into the wrinkles.
  2. Now wait a few minutes and apply make-up to your eyes, lips or another region for as long as possible. Let the concealer settle.
  3. Now with one cotton swab Carefully wipe out the creases, i.e. the product that has slipped into the wrinkles, and then blend the area with your ring finger.
  4. Now comes the ultimate tip: Use a fluffy one Aperture brush (Eyeshadow brush) and sprays it with a little Setting spray. Wait a moment and then blend over the concealer with very little pressure. The setting spray mixes with the product, removes excess oils and fixes it.

Doesn’t work? These make-up mistakes are important to avoid

The devil is in the details, as they say. If this makeup technique doesn’t work for you, then it might be due to these points:

1. You don’t use a “real” setting spray

Again, it is important which product you use: There is Setting sprays and those who only pretend to be. There is also a distinction between moisturizing facial sprays that are intended to freshen up make-up, but not to make it more long-lasting. So pay attention to those exact product name (“Fixing Spray”, “Setting Mist”).

2. Incorrect brush technique

One too wetter blend brush, too much pressure or a brush tied too tightly can also ruin the beautiful result for you. The bristles should be long and loose so that you can stroke your skin with them – not too bristly, but soft.

3. Too much too soon

As soon as you have completed the brush-spray action, you first have to finish the game leave in silence, so that the setting crap can have its effect. So don’t blind with your finger or anything like that. It would be best if the skin under your eyes doesn’t wrinkle while the spray dries. So if you look up or hold the skin a little taut with your finger/brush. Because the concealer now looks on the skin is exactly how it is fixed – so it’s best not to crease. If a few minutes have passed, feel free to dab it again with your ring finger.

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