Flat Iron Lake Red Dead Redemption 2: Where to find the wreck of the Serendipity?


News tip Flat Iron Lake Red Dead Redemption 2: Where to find the wreck of the Serendipity?

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On Red Dead Redemption 2, you will have a huge map to explore and the good news is that it is full of secrets and little winks. For example, on the Flat Iron Lake side, you can find the wreck of a boat. The Serendipity?

Summary of all our guides and tips for Red Dead Redemption 2

Where to find the wreck of the Serendipity in Flat Iron Lake?

Let’s start by telling you that Flat Iron Lake has the particularity of being on both the map of Red Dead Redemption 2, but also of its previous opus! However, This is the second game that will interest us more particularly.

To find this area, you will have to go to Rhodes or Blackwater. Indeed, it is the body of water that will separate these two important cities of the game. In this area, you won’t have much to get your teeth into.

Of course, you’ll be able to fish if you want, but the body of water is ultimately pretty empty, except for a few small islands. One is northeast of Blackwater and the rest is grouped into a small archipelago west of Rhodes.

As we told you, there’s not much of interest on site, except for a stranded ship! To find it, you will have to go to the largest island in the area, as we have shown you on the map below.

What’s in the Flat Iron Lake Shipwreck?

Once you’re there, go to the alcove in the middle of the island and you’ll find the remains of a boat that apparently crashed on the edge of the island. Unfortunately, if there was treasure, there’s not much left!

Be careful though, this doesn’t mean that there’s nothing left at all. Indeed, on site, you’ll be able to get your hands on a hat, a Tricorn, and then a closed box. in which you will find a bottle of old rum.

But this boat is not the Serendipity. Indeed, on Red Dead Redemption, we could also find a ship stranded at Flat Iron Lake. Except that the latter was in the northern part of the lake and was mainly a steamboat, which is not the case for RDR2!

So this means two things. The first is that Serendipity ran aground between the events of the two games. Second, the wrecked ship from Red Dead Redemption 2 is a nod to players who were looking for the wrecked ship from the first game.


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