Flight attendant explains: With these tricks you can sleep well on the plane

There are people who can fall asleep immediately on a plane – even though the conditions are anything but favorable. However, most passengers can hardly sleep on board. This often doesn’t work even if you’re completely tired. A flight attendant explains how this can work better.

Among other things, the seat and the passengers’ clothing play a crucial role. “If you sit in a window seat and want to get some sleep – especially on flights through the night into the day – you should close your blinds after take-off,” British Airways flight attendant Samantha told the British online medium “Express”. The passenger at the window has sovereignty over the blind – that’s an unwritten law.

Use these four tips to sleep better on a plane

It should definitely be a window seat. Because you may be disturbed by other passengers in the aisle and the seat in the middle is particularly thankless. After all, you could have other passengers sitting next to you on either side of you, which could disrupt your sleep. According to the flight attendant, the back seats are particularly suitable for a nap. Although there is more legroom in the front seats, there is a particularly high chance that there will be a lot of families sitting here – babies crying included.

  • The correct sleeping position

It’s not just the seat that’s important, but also the correct sleeping position – and that’s where most passengers have the biggest problems. Because the space is cramped and you can’t rest your head comfortably. This may sound unusual at first glance, but you should place your head on the unfolded table – this is said to be one of the most comfortable sleeping positions on the plane. A neck pillow can also be beneficial.

It is more comfortable on the plane with blankets. However, you should also pay attention to safety precautions. That’s why the seat belt should always be visible. Otherwise it could happen that you are woken up by the “please fasten your seatbelt” sign and then your nap is quickly over.

Clothing also plays an important role. You should dress warmly because it can get cold on the plane. Another aspect: Clothing that is too tight does not ensure well-being. According to the flight attendant, you should wear sweatpants or leggings and loose, cozy sweaters. Thick socks are particularly important to avoid cold feet.

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