“Flocke” from Puch – food company gets important partner

Thanks to the entry of Institut AllergoSan, Flocke is investing in new products. Ivan Cindric, a Salzburg resident who suffered from Crohn’s disease and has overcome the disease, produces foods that support the intestinal flora.

The story of Ivan Cindric is familiar to “Krone” readers. The ex-SAK kicker fell ill with Crohn’s disease in 2014, and another autoimmune disease developed in 2018. The Salzburger stayed away from fast food and opted for a diet rich in fiber. Today he is symptom-free. Inspired by personal experiences and successes, he founded the food start-up Flocke in 2020. The organic iced tea from the young Puch company is free of artificial additives, promotes intestinal flora, is digestible and available in well-known retailers. “We want to develop new, exciting products” Cindric (31) and his team have now been able to bring an important partner on board: Institut AllergoSan, an intestinal health expert that also includes the Omni Biotic brand, is investing in the company. But not only: “It is also a strategic partnership. Our focus is on product development. Iced tea is a nice start. Now we need more products. We want to do something with granola and yogurt. The important thing is to be able to make Flocke available to customers across the board as quickly as possible,” says Cindric.
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