Florent Pagny sick: this health problem that he triggered since his cancer

Sunday March 5, 2023, The portrait of the week from Seven to Eight was dedicated to Florent Pagny. The singer, suffering from cancer, let the cameras of TF1 follow him for several months as he fights against cancer. He also revealed that his treatment had given him other health problems.

In January 2023, Florent Pagny announced terrible news: he has lung cancer. As he was preparing to go on tour to celebrate his 60th birthday, he was forced to stop everything. Since then, the singer has been more discreet. However, he agreed to come out of silence and to engage in his fight in seven to eight, Sunday March 5, 2023. Faced with Audrey Crespo-Mara, in The portrait of the week, he explained that his vocal abilities were still very good. “The flawless voice! My voice, I was even surprised, it cleared up a bit because I quit smoking“, he launched before explaining that he still had trouble singing for a very specific reason: he suffers from tinnitus.

I have been living in a different way for a few months, my hearing is more internal“, he explained because of his tinnitus. “But at the same time, I hear that my voice has received nothing, it is impeccable“On the other hand, his breath is very affected by his treatment. He assured that he lacked oxygen. If he always keeps smiling, Florent Pagny must however be worried since the latest news on his state of health are not very good.

Florent Pagny must do urgent examinations

Pictures aren’t terrible. In three days, I return to Paris. There’s a ganglion that’s fixed. There are risks of metastasis. This story sucks. It never stops. There is always something that eventually reappears. The other time it was the white spots, now it’s a lymph node that marks. I didn’t do the immunotherapy treatment so I have to get back to it quickly. It’s not clear“, he said again, far from confident.

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