Florida: a police officer killed a man in a cinema… because of SMS

L’case sparked a heated debate about the carrying of firearms in the United States. In January 2014, a former police captain put a man to death at a movie theater in Tampa, Florida, claiming self-defense. Now 79, Curtis Reeves is accused of shooting this father during a screening of the war film Blood and tears (Lone Survivor), because the victim, Chad Oulson, was texting on his cell phone before the session began. The septuagenarian’s trial began this week, eight years after the fact, reports CNN on Monday February 14.

The retiree has pleaded not guilty to premeditated murder. Before the drama, the two men had had an altercation, Chad Oulson having thrown popcorn in the face of Curtis Reeves. The latter then shot him fatally in the chest, after complaining to a cinema employee. This former Tampa police officer also injured the hand of his victim’s wife, without involving his vital prognosis. She later explained that her husband was texting their daughter’s babysitter. According to the defendant’s lawyers, the victim would have thrown his phone in the face of the ex-policeman and would have brutally pushed his seat in his direction.

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A very controversial pro-weapons law

In his defense, Curtis Reeves mentioned the principle of “Stand Your Ground”, a very controversial law allowing the use of lethal force if one considers oneself seriously in danger. Florida was the first state in America to adopt such a law in 2005, with the blessing of the arms lobby (NRA). In his testimony, the respondent said he thought his victim was going to hit him. For her part, Judge Susan Barthle expressed doubts about the self-defense mentioned by the retiree. Asked by CNN, the lawyer for the victim’s wife hopes that Curtis Reeves will be found guilty and that he “will spend the rest of his life in prison paying for his crimes”.

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