Florie Galli (Large Families) reveals how she manages to stay calm with five children at home


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Between the cries, the tears and the bickering of the children, it is difficult to remain zen. On her Instagram account, Florie Galli, from the show “Large families: life in XXL”, shared her technique for managing her tribe.

Having a quiet home, finding time for yourself, to rest and calmly manage the crises of your children, it is not always easy when you are a parent of a large family. And that, Florie Galli, candidate of the show Large families: life in XXL, knows something about it. But the mother of five children, including young tripe, has her technique of her own to remain calm in all circumstances and manage her tribe. This is on her Instagram account that Florie Galli shared her tip who “often saves [s]you’re nervous” and him “gives the strength to stay zen”. It is simply a noise canceling headphones of the Bose brand.

An accessory that “allows you to go from the volume of a concert hall to that of a library”, explains the 37-year-old mother, in the caption that accompanies a photo of her with her helmet and surrounded by two of her children. Florie Galli also adds that between the bickering, the arguments, the demands of her children, “the decibels are at maximum” at home. So, at bath time, meal time and other more complicated tasks that can put his nerves to the test, the mother of the family wears her helmet and that “does crazy good”she wrote.

A trick that also works on his children

In addition to allowing him to regain calm, the helmet has become over time a real educational tool. “When kids throw tantrums, argue or refuse to cooperate, well I put it on and they know that from that moment I cut the interaction with them (even if I still hear them, but they don’t know it) and so they give up and calm down directly without me having to get upset, explains Florie Galli. If the young woman delivered herself in full transparency in front of her more than 250,000 subscribers, it was not an easy thing. “I hesitated for a long time to make this post to you, but I said to myself: after all, I’m not afraid to say it! Instagram has allowed me to meet beautiful people and I have benefited from a lot of advice and tricks”says Florie Galli, who wanted to help other mothers in turn.

A great travel enthusiast, Juliette Thévenot is attracted by all the subjects and themes that can relate to a society at a given moment: health, sexuality, the place…

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