Folding iPhone delayed due to…folding issue

Mérouan Goumiri

June 6, 2024 at 6:44 p.m.


Does the idea of ​​a folding iPhone appeal to you?  © KJMX

Does the idea of ​​a folding iPhone appeal to you? © KJMX

Last March, rumors concerning the first foldable iPhone were circulating on the Web, suggesting a release in 2026. From now on, we would ultimately have to wait until 2028 before being able to discover Apple’s first foldable smartphone.

It’s hard to know where to turn when the rumors say everything and the opposite. Apple fans have been waiting for several years now for concrete information about a possible folding iPhone. Last February, rumors in the corridors indicated that Apple had put the development of its folding iPhone on hold until it found a screen worthy of the name. However, recent reports ultimately suggested that Samsung would come to the aid of its rival by providing help with the design of the panel.

Although we don’t know at this time whether Apple will eventually give in to the folding phone trend, the latest information in our possession now suggests that we will have to be a little more patient before the iPhone folding becomes a reality.

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May 3, 2024 at 4:50 p.m.


A folding iPhone? Maybe, but obviously not before 2028

Last month, a patent filed by Apple confirmed the development of a folding iPhone in “Flip” format within the Cupertino company. A product that would not arrive on the market for several years, since the Californian giant would first consider marketing a folding iPad. In addition, according to analyst Ming-Chi Kuo, a MacBook with a foldable screen would be planned for 2026, which would give Apple plenty of time to prepare to invade the (flourishing?) market for folding smartphones.

To continue in this direction, a report published by TrendForce, an institute specializing in market research for new technologies, suggests that the launch of Apple’s first folding iPhone would not take place before the year… 2028.

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The Apple Vision Pro should be launched in France before the end of the month!

June 6, 2024 at 3:17 p.m.


A crease in the screen that poses some difficulties for Apple?

This report first allows us to unearth some interesting information on the current state of the folding phone market. Unsurprisingly, the latter represent “only” 1.5% of the total smartphone market. However, forecasts suggest that the market share of flexible devices will increase to 4.8% by 2028, and that Apple would have the potential to shake up this sector by launching its first folding smartphone.

Despite everything, the main difficulty encountered by Cupertino concerned the fold of the screen. The firm led by Tim Cook is struggling to develop a foldable panel that is sufficiently reliable and robust, which would be one of the (many) causes that could explain such a delay. According to TrendForce, Apple “ reportedly still evaluating component specifications and performance, with stringent ply and reliability requirements “.

The fold of the folding iPhone seems to give Apple a hard time...

The fold of the folding iPhone seems to give Apple a hard time…

As you will certainly have understood, Apple seems to be observing the situation with caution at the moment. The brand with the bitten apple is therefore following its usual wait-and-see strategy and first wishes to overcome the technological challenges inherent to folding devices before launching into this market.

Source : Neowin

Mérouan Goumiri

Mérouan Goumiri

A fan of series, cinema and new technologies, it was my penchant for video games that got the better of me. Getting lost between Libertalia, the seas of Sea of ​​Thieves and Kaer Morhen, such is...

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A fan of series, cinema and new technologies, it was my penchant for video games that got the better of me. Getting lost between Libertalia, the seas of Sea of ​​Thieves and Kaer Morhen, such is the life I decided to lead between writing two articles.

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