Follow live the program “Elysée 2022: ask for the program”, with Marine Le Pen

As part of the CNEWS political program “Élysée 2022: Ask for the program”, Laurence Ferrari and Sonia Mabrouk welcome Marine Le Pen, this Thursday March 24, from 8:50 p.m.

Less than three weeks before the first round of the presidential election, the candidate of the National Rally will have the opportunity to explain to citizens her key projects for the country in the event of accession to the Elysée.

At the top of the concerns of the French, the themes of purchasing power and security will be addressed, as well as the economy or justice.

The far-right candidate will also share her position on one of the key themes of her program, the issue of immigration.

But the president of the RN will also have the opportunity to present to viewers her vision on current topics, including the war in Ukraine and health.

France is currently experiencing a new wave of Covid-19 contaminations and the leader of the National Rally should speak on the management of the epidemic which has shaken France for more than two years.

In the home stretch of the presidential election, the 53-year-old candidate is firmly in second place in the first round of voting intentions.

With 19% during the last OpinionWay survey for CNEWS, it is certainly largely behind Emmanuel Macron (LREM) and his 28% but has a fairly comfortable lead over Jean-Luc Mélenchon (La France Insoumise), who has 14% of intentions to vote, and Valérie Pécresse (Les Républicains), who would collect 11% of the vote.

During this evening, viewers will also have their role to play. They are invited to ask Marine Le Pen their questions on Twitter using the hashtag #DEMANDEZLEPROGRAMME.

“Elysée 2022: Ask for the program”, with Marine Le Pen, Thursday March 24 at 8:50 p.m., live on CNEWS.

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