Food moths: how to avoid proliferation using a well-known plant? : Current Woman Le MAG

When you are about to serve yourself some rice, do you realize that there are small insects wandering around in your jar? Unfortunately, they may be food moths. They can take several forms depending on their longevity. They first appear as larvae and then evolve into a much larger and more visible butterfly. If you are faced with these little critters, check all of your cupboards. There could, for example, be white cocoons in corners or around food. You may also see dead insects still in the cupboards.

Which leaf prevents the proliferation of food moths?

In fact, often the infestation begins after purchasing products that are already infested. The insects that arrive at your home will then reproduce and this is the start of the invasion. Rest assured, there are several techniques to keep them away. In particular, there are certain odors that can repel food moths and other insects. This is the case of aromatic bay leaf, also called bay leaf sauce, recalls Emmanuelle, from the Instagram account @harmonie_et_bienetre. “Its leaves will prevent the appearance of food moths, repel insects and midges and fight against humidity.“, she says, adding that it is better to prefer fresh leaves.

Where and how to put bay leaves to keep insects away?

Be careful to really equip yourself with aromatic bay leaf and not another type of bay leaf! Place one or two leaves in each jar you have, especially for starchy foods, oilseeds, etc. If you are afraid that your food will take on the smell of bay leaf, then you can place the leaves directly on your shelves and in your cupboards.

What are the other techniques to protect yourself from moths?

You can therefore protect yourself from the invasion of food moths thanks to bay leaf, but not only that. When you come back from the bulk store, don’t hesitate to put your dry foods in the freezer overnight. Also, before filling your jars again, be sure to clean and dry them well, even if you are going to fill them with the same foods. For containers, remember to favor jars with seals. Finally, clean and dust your cupboards and drawers as regularly as possible. This will allow you to notice the presence or absence of small insects, among other things.

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