Food, oligotherapy, supplements… How to boost your immune defences?

At the end of winter, you may have fallen ill more often? One of the reasons is probably a somewhat weak immune system. Beyond sport, there are many ways to strengthen it, and it starts with trace elements. At the microphone of Julia Vignali and Mélanie Gomez, Doctor Amine Achite, doctor specializing in oligotherapy and author of Great guide to oligotherapyexplained in Well done for you some tips on trace elements.

What is oligotherapy?

It is the fact of using trace elements for therapeutic purposes, explains Dr. Achite. “Trace minerals are present in the body in amounts of less than one milligram per kilogram.” And the goal for our body is to use these resources. “We have a stock of it brought by food, and if we are not deficient, we do not need to add it”, further details the specialist.

What are trace elements used for?

According to the doctor, “they are catalysts for many chemical reactions”. For example, “when we move an arm, when we think or when we talk to each other, we use chemical reactions and that serves as a catalyst”. A metaphor sums up how they work: “It’s the spark that starts the engine.”

Where to find them?

Mainly in food, especially in seafood, lean meats, eggs or offal. “In the normal state, we don’t need to complement each other.” But now, “we live in a more polluted environment, we face climate change, we suffer from stress, we clutter our lungs with cigarettes, etc.: all of this will consume our trace elements or put us in deficiency” .

No risk of overdose, reassures doctor Amine Achite: “You will never be in excess, it will leave in the urine.”

What to take in case of post-illness fatigue?

The doctor recommends a mixture of three trace elements. : copper, gold and silver, entrusting the dosage to a health professional. “The cocktail of the three will strengthen your immune defenses”, specifies the specialist. You can use it during convalescence, “for example after a flu”, or as a cure before winter.

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