For a short time -75% on pCloud: Lifetime cloud storage from Switzerland

The Swiss cloud provider pCloud is reducing its lifetime storage plans by 75 percent for Valentine’s Day. Here’s everything you need to know about pCloud and the campaign.

In the online and software business, the classic license purchase has become a rarity. While most companies insist on monthly fees, there are only a few offers that never ask for money again after a one-time purchase. The Swiss cloud provider pCloud is one of these exceptions: After a one-off payment, the 500 gigabytes or 2 terabytes of storage plans are available for life. You save a whopping 75 percent on both memory sizes until February 15.

For PC-WELT readers:

pCloud Lifetime 75% cheaper (500 gigabytes & 2 terabytes)

What can pCloud do?

Apart from the one-off payment, pCloud provides a whole range of functions that can definitely keep up with the cloud offers from well-known manufacturers.

  • Instant synchronization

    : In addition to a classic web interface, there are separate apps for the common desktop and mobile operating systems. This not only allows you to manage the files, but also to make account settings. All file changes are applied immediately and displayed on all connected devices.

  • Comprehensive function portfolio

    : If you have already used online storage, you will also find the most common functions in pCloud. The files can be searched and sorted using intelligent algorithms. In addition, files can be shared both privately and publicly.

  • restore data

    : pCloud offers its own recycle bin so that accidentally deleted files do not have to be laboriously retrieved or are even gone forever. With the so-called rewind function, you can even completely restore old databases.

  • pCloud as backup storage

    : If you no longer want to back up your computer using an external hard drive, pCloud can help. You can also use the apps to set up your own online photo library.

Primary goal: security and data protection

The fact that the best-known cloud products come from companies that earn money with customer data or are even victims of data leaks rightly makes many interested people suspicious. As the self-proclaimed “securest cloud storage in Europe”, the protection of user data has top priority.

  • Secure Data Center

    : The servers in Texas and Luxembourg had to withstand several risk assessments before going live. Thanks to constant controls, they comply with the SSAE 18 SOC 2 Type II & SSAE 16 SOC 2 Type II standards.

  • Data protection as a guiding principle

    : The Swiss cloud company adheres to local laws, which are very strict, especially when it comes to data protection. In addition, pCloud is GDPR compliant.

  • Maximum protection against data loss

    : In order to prevent physical damage to the servers, the data centers have been equipped with early warning systems against smoke, water or fire. The buildings are also protected against unauthorized entry.

  • Client-side encryption

    : The folder called pCloud Encryption, which can be provided with an additional password by the user, ensures optimal protection. Thanks to the zero-knowledge principle, only the customer has access to the files.

Pay only once: cloud storage from pCloud

While everyone else relies on subscription models, pCloud offers a one-time purchase of a cloud license. Then you keep the online storage forever. In time for Valentine’s Day, pCloud is discounting its Individual Lifetime plans by 75 percent off full price.

  • Premium Lifetime Plan (1 user) with 500 gigabytes: only 122.50 instead of 500 euros

  • Premium Lifetime Plan (1 user) with 2 terabytes: only 245 instead of 980 euros

Other cloud providers charge at least 10 euros per month for 2 terabytes of storage. If you compare this with pCloud, the initially high purchase price has already paid off in the 25th month.

For PC-WELT readers:

pCloud lifetime storage 75% cheaper (500 gigabytes & 2 terabytes)

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