For Anne Hidalgo and Sandrine Rousseau, Taubira’s candidacy is “bad news”

The socialist candidate and the environmentalist criticized this Sunday the entry into the running of the former Minister of Justice.

The official entry of Christiane Taubira into the race for the Élysée does not delight her colleagues on the left. Struggling in the polls, socialist Anne Hidalgo judged this Sunday that this new candidacy was “a bad new» which creates «the confusion“. “Everyone can be a candidate as they wish“, corn “arriving so late with a proposal that adds an application, I don’t think many people understand today“, declared on BFMTV the mayor of Paris.

SEE ALSO – Presidential 2022: Jadot does not want to “squabble with the old left”

Everyone will be accountable for their proposals, their action, and it will be project against project., she added. The socialist candidate also specified that for her, “the page” of the popular primary, to which Christiane Taubira wants to submit, was “tour“, and that the latter will not have “no impact“on the rest of the campaign, since Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Yannick Jadot and herself”will continuewhatever the outcome.

A “lack of debate”

“I made the proposal in December to meet so that a common candidacy emerges, at least for those who want to govern together, and of course my address was more particularly directed to Yannick Jadot”, she further explained.

Because according to her, “if there are recompositions to be done on the left in the years to come, it is largely around these political families which are social democracy, socialists and ecologists”. But she demandeddebatesand regret “that in particular Yannick Jadot did not wish to engage in this process”. For her, “what is called the popular Primary, in fact it is without debate, it is a consultation which will classify people, even in spite of themselves“. “It’s another process.” than a primary.

A few weeks after her call for union, Anne Hidalgo therefore claims to have “tried to make it evolve” and “many of those who were at the origin of this idea, were ready to change the conditions of this primary”, but that “Unfortunately, that didn’t happen.” Finally she saidto hope“that this primary is not a consultation made”tailoredfor Christiane Taubira, because, “if even there the dice were loaded, then it would be to despair of democracy and the forces of the left“.

SEE ALSO – Presidential 2022: Mélenchon is “not the friend” of Taubira and Hidalgo

Invited on France Info this Sunday morning, the ecologist Sandrine Rousseau also expressed her dismay at the situation. “(Christiane Taubira) introduced herself saying that she wouldn’t be one more candidacy, and today it’s one more candidacy and I don’t think we particularly needed it“, she lamented. Faced with this even more fragmented left than before, the economist therefore calls on the former Keeper of the Seals to join “the dynamics of Yannick Jadot, political ecology” instead of “disperse“.

Long supporter of a united candidacy, Sandrine Rousseau also expressed her resignation. The union could have made it possible to “ask something about the order of the fight“, but it will not happen. “And now, the question is what are the priorities, and I tell you that we cannot wait five years on ecology“, she declared, pleading so that one does not pass “the whole presidential campaign talking about the union” and “of the non-union“.

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