For babies: Stiko recommends meningococcal B vaccination

Important parent information
STIKO recommends meningococcal B vaccination

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In Germany, illnesses rarely occur, but they are particularly dangerous for babies. The RKI Standing Vaccination Commission therefore recommends protecting infants from meningococcal B at an early stage.

The The Standing Vaccination Commission of the Robert Koch Institute (STIKO) recommends vaccinating newborns from the age of two months against meningococci of serogroup B (MenB). The experts explain the reasoning: “Although invasive MenB diseases occur very rarely, the course of the disease is very serious.”

“Including the vaccination against meningococcal B in the vaccination calendar as a standard vaccination is, in my opinion, an extremely important step in protecting the little ones,” explains pediatrician Dr. Michael Horn from Berchtesgaden. “The STIKO’s expanded recommendation is due to the fact that meningococcal diseases are very rare, but can be very serious. Group B meningococci have been the most common cause of illness in Germany for several years now. With the now recommended B vaccination, we can already have babies Protect yourself as early as possible from a serious illness and its possible consequences.” In addition, the STIKO recommendation means that this important vaccination will be paid for by all health insurance companies as soon as it has been included in the vaccination guidelines. This will now take a few months. But many health insurance companies are already reimbursing the vaccination. It’s worth asking.

Meningococci are the cause of bacterial meningitis or blood poisoning (sepsis) and are transmitted via droplet infection. The risk of illness is particularly high in the first year of life because the immune system of babies and infants is not yet fully developed. If an infection occurs, there is a risk of lifelong damage and can even be fatal. The mortality rate is around eight percent, with the vast majority of deaths affecting infants and small children.

Most diseases are caused by meningococci of serotype B (61 percent), less frequently serotypes Y, C and W are the triggers. The STIKO has recommended vaccination for two-year-olds against serotype C since 2006. The recommendation against type B meningococci has previously only applied to people with certain previous illnesses or for those planning to visit highly endemic areas.

According to STIKO, infants receive three doses of the 4CMenB (Bexsero) vaccine at the ages of two, four and 12 months. Catch-up vaccinations should be given up to the age of five.

Sources: dpa, RKI,


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