For cultural diversity – Strengthen public service through your SRG membership – Home

All 23,500 members of the SRG can help shape the program and quality of the Swiss radio and television company.

Why have a membership at all?

Economically and politically independent media are the backbone of every democracy. Especially in times like today, we need people who stand up for this independence and support media and cultural diversity in Switzerland. And with a membership you get more.

Am I then closer to the SRG media?

Definitely. There are guided tours on radio, television and online, wherever SRG content is created. There are also general meetings, the members’ magazine LINK and a newsletter. All of this provides a deeper insight into SRG’s media work.

Can I also have a say?

All SRG members can contribute their interests and thus further develop their program. This influence becomes possible as soon as you belong to one of the seven regional companies of the SRG.

By becoming a member of SRG, you are making an important contribution to Switzerland’s cultural diversity:

Selection of SRG member company


How do I become an SRG member?

This is totally easy. Simply apply for membership.

> Click here to register

Requirement: a minimum age of 18 years.

The SRG member companies are associations. Members pay an annual fee of 20 to 30 francs, depending on the region.

Exceptions are “Basel Region”, “Zurich Schaffhausen” and “Bern Freiburg Valais”. These units are cooperatives. To become a member, you need to purchase a share certificate, which costs a one-time fee of 50 to 100 francs.

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