For emergencies: You should always have this supply of cash at home

According to recommendation
This is how much cash you should always have at home

If you keep cash at home for emergencies, you need to think about an ideal place to keep it – it’s not under the mattress.

One thing is certain: you shouldn’t keep all your assets at home for several reasons. But how much money should we always have on hand in case of an emergency?

Hoarding things is not a good option in many areas: be it food, toilet paper or cash. Nevertheless, the Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief recommends that you always have a sufficient amount of cash at home in case of an emergency. Because you should be prepared just in case.

How much money should you always have at home?

In 2018, private individuals kept an average of 1,364 euros in their own four walls. However, you can find out in the video how much we should really have ready for an emergency.

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