For Jean Castex, “the unvaccinated obviously remain citizens”

Prime Minister Jean Castex was the guest of BFMTV-RMC this Thursday morning. He of course defended the vaccine pass and returned to the statements of the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron.

A difficult exercise. Thursday morning, when the vaccine pass was adopted at first reading by the National Assembly after three days of heated debates, Prime Minister Jean Castex had to explain himself on the statements of the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron, who said to the “Parisian” being determined to “piss off to the end” the unvaccinated. “An irresponsible person is no longer a citizen”, judged the head of state. The Prades man tempered the presidential remarks on BFMTV-RMC this Thursday morning. “Let’s not play on words. The unvaccinated obviously remain citizens. When you are a citizen, you have rights and duties, that is called citizenship and a sense of responsibility, ”he explained.

“If we are all citizens, no one is going to piss off anyone,” he had previously said. Jean Castex of course returned to the vaccine pass, the best tool according to him to fight against the Covid-19 pandemic. “We hope so on the 15th. It’s not just up to me.” He must now go to the Senate. It has just been voted and it is happy, ”he announced. He is not in favor of compulsory vaccination (as in Italy for those over 50), mainly for pragmatic reasons. “Compulsory vaccination is a tool. The countries that have done that have very, very low vaccination rates, ”he said first. “We have difficulties with the pass but we would have even more with compulsory vaccination,” conceded the Prime Minister.

Surgical masks for teachers

The head of government “slightly” rebuked his Minister of National Education Jean-Michel Blanquer, conceding that the late announcement of the new health protocol in schools (Sunday at 6 p.m. for Monday 8 a.m.) was “not very satisfactory ( e) ”. He also announced that surgical masks would be given to teachers, noting that “the virus is galloping” and that children in kindergarten do not wear masks.

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