For Jordan Bardella, “Emmanuel Macron is the number one insulter”

The acting president of the RN was questioned, Thursday, April 21 on BFM, on the debate the day before between his candidate and the outgoing president. In addition to a return to Marine Le Pen’s program, he castigated the attitude of the outgoing president.

Marine Le Pen’s support Jordan Bardella harshly criticized Emmanuel Macron’s attitude during the debate: “I was very surprised by Emmanuel Macron’s attitude, an arrogant, contemptuous attitude, slumped in his chair. and who, on the weight of the images he leaves behind him, symbolizes quite well the way in which he considered debate and democracy for five years. A candidate without passion or desire, to run behind Marine Le Pen. “He also placed a small, teasing one for the media: “The day when a large part of the media will say that we have succeeded in the debate, we will have to start worrying. »

The interim president of the RN added that “Marine Le Pen is a candidate to serve France and the French, she is a free woman, she does not depend on private interests. Emmanuel Macron delivered France to predators from below and above. He also castigated the fact that “Emmanuel Macron [soit] the number one insulter”, explaining that “when he insults Marine Le Pen, as all of his supporters have done for two weeks, he insults one in two French people who are about to vote for her. »

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Jordan Bardella criticized Alexei Navalny

He then debriefed the debate, in particular on the Ukrainian question, the loan from a Czech-Russian bank, criticized Alexei Navalny for his “interference in the French election” and expressed his deep disagreements with the president-candidate on pensions and purchasing power.

The day before, Wednesday April 20 at the Four Truths (France 2), Jordan Bardella had shown confidence when the question of the debate between the two rounds was raised: “We are preparing for this great moment of democracy. It is naïve to think that it can be prepared in a few hours, it is an exercise of a lifetime. And we have been working hard to bring answers to the daily lives of the French for five years. »

He added that “everyone will deliver their truth and [que] Marine Le Pen has worked throughout this campaign to take into account the concerns of our fellow citizens. “As during the campaign, the president of the RN put the theme of purchasing power on the table: “We were very identified on questions of identity and immigration, but we wanted to talk about other subjects , especially purchasing power. »

Jordan Bardella praised his candidate: “Marine Le Pen deeply loves France and the French. She sacrificed a lot to defend the French […] She obviously worked a lot […] It is time to put a woman at the head of the French Republic. He also declared that his party had “wanted to raise, from the start of the debate, the question of purchasing power”, although Emmanuel Macron “wants[ût] be it international issues”. The two parties “draw lots: purchasing power will therefore be the first subject. »

He later criticized the president-candidate: “His weak point, and also his strong point, is never to doubt himself. The French have an image of a rather brutal, rather arrogant, and aggressive president. “If he said he was optimistic, he however affirmed that there was” a form of apprehension because we know that many French people will decide on this debate. It will not be the same debate as five years ago. This evening she will talk a lot about herself, and what she offers to the French. “For him, the goal is” not just to convince tonight, but to win on Sunday. »

The acting president of the RN regretted that “Emmanuel Macron uses towards him [Marine Le Pen] anathemas, extremely violent remarks. For example with Mourad Boudjellal. He also castigated his record: “He was very brutal towards his opponents. When you look at the past five years, it has been five years of the French against each other. We have a project of national harmony and to fight against the internal borders which multiply. »

On the question of banning the veil in public space, Jordan Bardella returned to this measure which startled some French people: “I think, like the Minister of Education, that the veil is not desirable in our society, but we don’t make it a priority. The day after our election, there will be the question of purchasing power. He also added: “The veil has become a militant instrument for the Islamists. Wearing the veil, which is a challenge to equality between men and women, is a way to be quiet when you return to the city and we want to ensure that these means of pressure stop. »

He concluded with a foot appeal to the voters of France Insoumise: “Jean-Luc Mélenchon is harder with Emmanuel Macron in 2017 than he is today. I want to tell La France Insoumise, don’t listen to the merchants of fear, look at the five years that have passed with the ordinances on the labor law, the yellow vests, the precariousness and the desire to make the French work until 65 years. »

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