For Louis Alliot, “the Constitutional Council is not there to revise the Constitution”

The RN mayor of Perpignan Louis Alliot returned, Tuesday, April 19 to the Four Truths on France 2, on the Ukrainian crisis but also the program of his candidate to beat, according to him, Emmanuel Macron.

On France 2, Louis Alliot was first questioned about the Russian invasion in Ukraine, a controversial subject for the National Rally, which in the past has supported Vladimir Putin: “We must condemn this aggression without reservation. This Ukrainian people gives lessons to many people in patriotism and, in the face of the Russian armada, leads an effective resistance and it is admirable to see and tragic when you look at it. He also added that “today there is no more subject. We see who is attacking and who is defending. »

On the subject of a rapprochement with Russia and the continuation of discussions with the Russian dictator if Marine Le Pen were to be elected, the mayor of Perpignan declared that “Russia will not disappear from the map of the world and we must still chat with. Citing as an example “Mr. Macron [qui] discusses every day with Mr. Poutine”, Louis Alliot also said that “we must not throw Russia into the arms of China and put things in their place. And the fact that Vladimir Putin decorated soldiers who committed war crimes in Boutcha? “It is a provocation and it is inadmissible. »

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Journalist Caroline Roux then asked her if her candidate was confident for the debate between the two rounds to be held on Wednesday April 20. He replied that “there is a posture to take, it is that of the President of the Republic” before engaging: “We are in a second round to bring together more than 50% of the French. She must be credible and embody the function, which Mr. Macron has failed to do for five years. It is necessary to find the bases of the Fifth Republic: a solemnity of the function. »

He then castigated the president-candidate, who, according to him, in no way incarnates the presidential function: “Mr. Macron has a kind of lightness, behavior and excessive communication, small phrases, arrogance, not worthy of a President of the Republic […] I hope it will be serious, arguments against arguments, project against project. The mayor added that Marine Le Pen “has worked a lot, she masters the subjects. It’s a matter of focus.”

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De Gaulle taken as an example

Can a government be created calmly if the boss of the RN was elected on April 24? Does the candidate have enough support to form a stable government? “Did you know Mr. Castaner before he joined Mr. Macron’s team? No. We have specialists around us, politicians and with the union we want to make, others will come. »

Another controversial subject addressed: the banning of the Islamic veil in public space, a “measure [qui] is part of a package for the fight against Islamism” according to Louis Alliot. He did not budge: “Yes, today it is also the mark of the advance of a politico-religious sign in many neighborhoods and many cities, but it is not overnight. that we will verbalize the women who wear the veil. It will take a law. »

To those worried about a possible revision of the Constitution once Marine Le Pen is in power, he took as an example “General de Gaulle in 1962 [qui] used Article 11 to revise the Constitution […] If it is not used, it would mean that all elections since de Gaulle are not legitimate or legal. We have to stop with that, it’s to scare people. The mayor of Perpignan also declared that “the Constitutional Council is there to give an opinion, not to revise the Constitution. It is the people who decide. Sovereignty belongs to the people. »

On the investigation to embezzle public funds in the European Parliament, amounting to 600,000 euros, Louis Alliot criticized a “violation of the rights of the defense, violation of the rights of the instruction and I was not questioned nor had access to my file. We will file a complaint. This is called a violation of the rule of law. »

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