No connection is possible: There is a worldwide malfunction with Microsoft's 365 services. According to the company, Outlook and Teams services are affected. How many users are affected, the company still leaves open.
Users of Microsoft 365 services worldwide have to deal with disruptions at night. A recently introduced change has probably led to a major outage, which also affects the Outlook mail program and the Microsoft Teams collaboration service as well as the Azure cloud platform, the company said.
Even after the change was reversed, the developers of the Windows and Office software could not have observed an "increase in successful connections". The problem would persist, it said. The cause is said to be a malfunction in the cloud services, so that, among other things, online versions of the Office programs were not accessible.
"We are pursuing measures to limit the damage. In parallel, we are redirecting the data traffic to alternative systems in order to further relieve the affected users," said Microsoft. The group did not announce how many users are affected by the disruption worldwide.
It was only on Friday night that Google's cloud services were temporarily disrupted. Users complained online about problems with the Google Cloud storage service, the Google Photos photo platform and the Google Meet video chat service. The group announced that the cause was the failure of a group of servers.