For the first time, the market capitalization of AMD exceeds that of Intel

Noellie Mautaint

February 17, 2022 at 1:45 p.m.


AMD logo

The formalization of the takeover of Xilinx by AMD has been emulated on the stock market.

At the close of this Tuesday, February 15, the American company managed to exceed the market capitalization of Intel. A great first.

A first for AMD

It was still unimaginable a few years ago, and yet AMD has done it. A few hours after the formalization of the takeover of Xilinx for 49 billion dollars, the American manufacturer of x86 microprocessors has overtaken Intel in terms of stock market valuation. This Tuesday, February 15, AMD ended the day with a price of 197.75 billion dollars against 197.24 billion for its competitor. The company also broke another record in stride by capturing 25.6% of the global x86 chip market for the first time. Since then, the bellows have fallen and Intel has regained the lead, but the challenger had never been so high.

A market capitalization that is almost a feat since AMD and Intel do not play on the same ground. The first is a firm fabless, while the latter acts both as designer and founder. Remember that this stock market value only reflects the interest of investors, market expectations, and therefore implicitly its potential for future growth. In reality, Intel is still far ahead in terms of volume, revenue, profits generated and market share.

Nevertheless, with the acquisition of Xilinx, AMD will open up to broader markets, particularly around 5G communications, automotive, aerospace and even defence, which should allow it to be even more more competitive.

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Source: guru3d

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