For this reason, ring the bell on 8.12. all German cell phones

We’re not psychics, but we do know that your phone will ring at 11am on December 8th. The reason for this is the nationwide test of a new warning system.

The first test of the new “Cell Broadcast” warning system is to take place in December. This is to be introduced in February 2023 and warn the population of extreme situations – for example flooding or extreme weather. The principle is similar to the warning app Nina, but has the advantage that it also reaches people without a smartphone.

The test will take place on December 8th at 11 am. The President of the Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK) Ralph Tiesler and the Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser from the SPD informed about this on Tuesday. By this point, every cell phone in Germany that is connected to the cellular network should receive a loud, continuous alert. You can get an idea of ​​what that sounds like in the following video.

The aim of the test is to check the reliability and precision of the system. It should also allow citizens to gain initial experience with the system. With the help of the feedback, Cell Broadcast will then be further optimized by the time it starts next year.

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It is not the first test of the German emergency systems, in September 2020 the BBK carried out a test run with the warning apps Nina and Katwarn. With some problems, many notifications arrived with a significant delay. At that time even the then President of the BBK, Christoph Unger, had to vacate his post.

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