For World Bee Day – You should know these bee products

May 20th is World Bee Day! In addition to honey, bees also produce all sorts of other great things that you should definitely know.

Not only are bees incredibly intelligent and hardworking, they also provide many products that are beneficial to human health. On the occasion of World Bee Day, we want to show you which other bee products – besides classic honey – you should know.


Propolis is a multi-substance mixture (made from pollen, resins, essential oils, etc.), which bees use as a building material. It has numerous beneficial health effects. It has an antibiotic, antioxidant and stress-relieving effect. Propolis can be purchased, for example, in the form of ointments, lip balms or capsules for oral use.


€ 16.95
Click here for the propolis.


€ 19.99
Click here for the propolis.


€ 9.67
This is where the propolis goes.

Royal jelly

Royal jelly is the juice that honeybees use to raise their queen. This jelly has the ideal nutritional composition, as it contains everything the queen bee needs to live: carbohydrates, proteins, amino acids, trace elements and all sorts of other important ingredients. It is very difficult to win and therefore very expensive.

Royal jelly is mostly found in this country as an additive in creams and lip care, as the bee product is sometimes said to have an anti-aging effect.

Royal jelly & propolis in honey

€ 26.99
Click here for royal jelly in honey.

Royal jelly capsules

€ 17.47
Click here for the capsules.

Manuka honey

This special honey comes from New Zealand, is very nutritious and incredibly healthy. It not only relieves symptoms of inflammation, colds or gastrointestinal problems, but also has an antioxidant effect and protects the body against free radicals.

Here you can find our Manuka honey recommendations:

Manuka honey

€ 43.35
Click here for the Manuka honey.

Manuka honey

€ 28.49
Click here for the Manuka honey.

You can find more product recommendations in our comparison portal, current offers and discounts can be found in our voucher portal.

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